If we were enlightened and animated by the Spirit and Universal Law of Love, we would Transform whatever systems we were a part of until they manifested the fruit of the New World.
The systems are not the problem. We are.
At the same time, we are not the problem. It is the system and the incentives.
If the systems were enlightened and animated by the Spirit and the Universal Law of Love, they would help transform and empower whatever individuals were a part of them to manifest the fruit of the New World.
They are both true, which is why transformation must be all encompassing and fundamental.
Individuals inform and transform systems and structure.
Systems and structure inform and transform individuals.
It is a Reciprocal Opening, a Spiral Upward towards Life, or a Spiral Downward towards Death.
Individually and collectively.
Forward to 10.25 Individuals Inform And Transform Systems And Structure
Back to 10.23 Wisely Choosing Hospitable Environments To Begin
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