In A Lionsberg World

Below are some basic features of life In a Lionsberg World. This articulation is another step towards the shared Vision we are advancing towards.

If you find something lacking, Fill It Up. If you find something that does not belong, Remove It.


  1. If It Belongs In Heaven On Earth, It Belongs In Lionsberg
  2. If It Does Not Belong In Heaven On Earth, It Does Not Belong In Lionsberg

If We can Imagine it, We can Co-Create it. All things are possible.

Life In A Lionsberg World

  1. In a Lionsberg World, We remember that All Creation is One Interexistent Body.
  2. In a Lionsberg World, the One (Ultimate Reality / Source / Creator / God) unites, coheres, orders, and harmonizes the Diverse Many.
  3. In a Lionsberg World, We are One Body, Under God, Indivisible.
  4. In a Lionsberg World, We are All Co-Creators of our Reality.
  5. In a Lionsberg World, We collaborate to bring the Creator’s Intent into Reality.
  6. In a Lionsberg World, We are working together in partnership with One and One Another to heal, regenerate and perfect our lives and our world.
  7. In a Lionsberg World, All Things are Helping One Another Rise towards the fullness of their Unique Potential and Flourish in Harmony.
  8. In a Lionsberg World, We and All Future Generations have an equal citizenship and stake in the Reality We co-create.
  9. In a Lionsberg World, there is no “them” “out there”; there is only Us.
  10. In a Lionsberg World, One integrates, orders, and coheres within Itself every Total Nested Hierarchy of Goods.
  11. In a Lionsberg World, We balance and uphold the Total Nested Hierarchy of Values.
  12. In a Lionsberg World, We advance towards the Total Nested Hierarchy of Goals.
  13. In a Lionsberg World, We confront and overcome the Total Nested Hierarchy of Challenges.
  14. In a Lionsberg World, there are no factions or divisions among Us.
  15. In a Lionsberg World, We Love Absolutely and Unconditionally.
  16. In a Lionsberg World, We navigate towards Wisdom and Truth.
  17. In a Lionsberg World, We Steward All we are entrusted with for the Good of All Current and Future Generations of Life.
  18. In a Lionsberg World, We Understand that the entire Universe is One Commons.
  19. In a Lionsberg World, We Understand that each Habitable Order is One Commons.
  20. In a Lionsberg World, We Understand that each Planet is One Commons.
  21. In a Lionsberg World, We Attune and Harmonize All things to the One Fundamental Vibration and Tone.
  22. In a Lionsberg World, We uphold Justice.
  23. In a Lionsberg World, We vanquish Corruption, Injustice, and Oppression in all their forms.
  24. In a Lionsberg World, We Play by the Rules Of The Game.
  25. In a Lionsberg World, We Federate Everything as Unique Parts of One Interexistent Whole.
  26. In a Lionsberg World, We Strengthen and Protect the weak, the innocent, and the most vulnerable First.
  27. In a Lionsberg World, We EnLighten and EnLiven Everything.
  28. In a Lionsberg World, We Co-Operate as One Living Organism.
  29. In a Lionsberg World, We Optimize for Balance, Flow, and Flourishing.
  30. In a Lionsberg World, We Integrate and Cohere the Apparent Polarities.
  31. In a Lionsberg World, We Balance on the Tip of the Needle.
  32. In a Lionsberg World, We Cultivate the Emergence and Propagation of Our Values and Value.
  33. In a Lionsberg World, We Do Not Tolerate the Manifestation and Propagation of Our Anti-Values and Anti-Value.
  34. In a Lionsberg World, We Co-Create The Conditions for Flourishing And Abundant Life to Emerge.
  35. In a Lionsberg World, We Curate and Celebrate what is Most Exemplary.
  36. In a Lionsberg World, We Do The Hard Work Our Selves To Make It Easier For Those Who Come After Us.
  37. In a Lionsberg World, We Leave Each Domain A Little Better Than We Found It.
  38. In a Lionsberg World, We Help All Things get A Little Better Every Day.
  39. In a Lionsberg World, We Play Towards Mastery.
  40. In a Lionsberg World, We Voluntarily Aggregate and Coordinate The First Tenth.
  41. In a Lionsberg World, We progressively Bring Heaven to Earth.
  42. In a Lionsberg World, We celebrate and lift up the Divine Masculine.
  43. In a Lionsberg World, We celebrate and lift up the Divine Feminine.
  44. In a Lionsberg World, We celebrate and lift up The Youth.
  45. In a Lionsberg World, We celebrate and lift up The Elders.
  46. In a Lionsberg World, We celebrate and lift up Culture, Creativity, and The Arts.
  47. In a Lionsberg World, We continuously order and improve the Narrative Universe.
  48. In a Lionsberg World, We continuously order and improve The Archetypes that Define the Categories.
  49. In a Lionsberg World, We embrace the Diversity in Absolute And Unconditional Love.
  50. In a Lionsberg World, the Scientific Endeavor is Nested Within our Quest towards Right Relationship with Ultimate Reality.
  51. In a Lionsberg World, Intellect is A Servant, Not A Master.
  52. In a Lionsberg World, Capital is A Servant, Not A Master.
  53. In a Lionsberg World, Technology is A Servant, Not A Master.
  54. In a Lionsberg World, All Things Co-Operate in Service of One and All.
  55. In a Lionsberg World, We Stack Up And Align All things to produce Throughput of The Goal.
  56. In a Lionsberg World, We ensure that All have Meaningful Work.
  57. In a Lionsberg World, We ensure that All have Meaningful Relationships.
  58. In a Lionsberg World, We engage in Meaningful Conversations and Quests that keep Us All in Our Zone Of Optimum Development.
  59. In a Lionsberg World, We engage in Team Based Intrapreneurship.
  60. In a Lionsberg World, We honor and uphold the Minimum Standards of Interoperability.
  61. In a Lionsberg World, every Individual must pass Through The Eye Of The Needle voluntarily, of their own Free Will and Mutual Consent.
  62. In a Lionsberg World, We honor and uphold the Sacred Rites, Rituals, and Ceremonies that enable Culture to Remember and Continuously Improve across Millennia.
  63. In a Lionsberg World, We continuously improve our Practice of the Way.
  64. In a Lionsberg World, We continuously improve the Fit and Conformance of the Lionsberg Way to the Ultimately Ineffable Way as such.
  65. In a Lionsberg World, We continuously improve the Fit and Conformance of the Lionsberg System to the Ultimately Ineffable Meta System as such.
  66. In a Lionsberg World, We embrace Unity In The Essentials and Diversity In The Non-Essentials, while Reflecting Our Values in All Things.
  67. In a Lionsberg World, Whatever We Do, We Do Unto One and All.
  68. In a Lionsberg World, We advance towards harmonious and coherent InterPlanetary, InterStellar, and Universal Existence.
  69. In a Lionsberg World, We externalize Waste in a Way that Does No Harm.
  70. In a Lionsberg World, We systematically Recapture and Reallocate Waste Towards Value.
  71. In a Lionsberg World, We Mine Our Existing Materiality First.
  72. In a Lionsberg World, We treat our Planet and Universe as a Living Body of Co-Creation.
  73. In a Lionsberg World, We remember that We Are All Downstream of any Harm we Cause or Allow.
  74. In a Lionsberg World, Everything Is A Project.
  75. In a Lionsberg World, We forthrightly Confront and Overcome the Parasitical, Pathological, and Malevolent at all Fractal Levels.
  76. In a Lionsberg World, We Progressively Transform Our Selves and Our World towards The Ideal.
  77. In a Lionsberg World, We Walk In The Way.
  78. In a Lionsberg World, We Remember and Resurrect Our Sacred Traditions.
  79. In a Lionsberg World, We Protect and Preserve Our Ancestral Wisdom and Knowledge.
  80. In a Lionsberg World, We Raise Our Children in the Way They Should Go.
  81. In a Lionsberg World, Everyone has A Seat At The Table.
  82. In a Lionsberg World, Everyone has Equal Opportunity and Equal Access to The Path.
  83. In a Lionsberg World, We Self-Organize into Groups and Teams and Progress Together As One Body Towards The Goal.
  84. In a Lionsberg World, no one is Involuntarily Left Behind.
  85. In a Lionsberg World, We take on as much Responsibility and Authority as we can handle and anyone will entrust us with.
  86. In a Lionsberg World, We train, mentor, and develop the Core Functions of Life and Society through the millennia via Guilds.
  87. In a Lionsberg World, We continually Resurrect and Revivify the New Vision and Plan without deviating from our Values or The Goal.
  88. In a Lionsberg World, Everything Is Designed and Built to Transform.
  89. In a Lionsberg World, Every Transformation Is Applied To The Product Of The Previous Transformation.
  90. In a Lionsberg World, The System continuously learns and improves.
  91. In a Lionsberg World, The System produces Throughput of Ever Greater Quality and Quantity of Life, while Driving Marginal Cost Towards Zero.
  92. In a Lionsberg World, We Co-Operate a System Wide Master Planning Process within and beyond each Fractal Level.
  93. In a Lionsberg World, We Stack Up And Align our Quarterly Quests from the Bottom Up in an Optimally Decentralized Way.
  94. In a Lionsberg World, All Possible Pursuits are subordinated to The Goal.
  95. In a Lionsberg World, We eternally remember that We Do Not Know.
  96. In a Lionsberg World, We embrace The Power of Today.
  97. In a Lionsberg World, All Power and Authority are Properly Ordered.
  98. In a Lionsberg World, Power, Authority, and Responsible are Optimally Decentralized.
  99. In a Lionsberg World, We Continually Embody And Enact the New Covenant.
  100. In a Lionsberg World, We Embody And Enact the Kingdom of God, On Earth As it Is In Heaven.

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