There is a striking consensus among the religions of the world and billions of their constituents that the person of Jesus was a, if not the, Penultimate / Ideal expression of what is means to Embody the Spirit, Will, and Intention of the One.
The profound implication being that if we are going to imitate something other than the Absolute / Abstract Ideal of the One, we ought to imitate the closest physical / temporal expression of the Spirit or Essence of that Ideal into embodied form.
If we cannot adequately conceptualize and relate to the Absolute One as such, we ought to imitate the most Archetypical Embodiment of the One.
Would it not be true, that if billions of people heeded the words of Jesus, Muhammad, Moses, Aristotle, Lao Tsu and strove to embody the Spirit that would sacrifice their own life for the sake of Truth, Love, Justice, and Right Relationship with One, One Another, and All, an entirely New Era would be at hand?
This is the only Prophetic Voice. There is only ever One thing the Prophetic points at.
Outside of the dogma about the unanswerable mysteries, and outside the asinine notions of Eternal Conscious Torment for refusing to submit oneself to a particular man-made religious dogma, there is every opportunity in the world for us to All, Individually And Collectively, to choose to Do Our Best to embody the Ideal of Absolute And Unconditional Love, and thus be Reconciled, Redeemed, and At-Oned to One and All.
This is so simple, liberating, and free. It is the True Good News.
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