18. The Panoply of Beings From Beyond

The notion of Beings From Beyond retains an air of laughability after millennia of Psychological Operations, deceit, and Endarkenment.

However once one admits We Do Not Know and opens their Mind to the possibility that there may be something Beyond the small fraction of the Universe they have observed, the Evidence rapidly piles up and creates near certainly that a vast panoply of Beings From Beyond is interacting with and influencing the affairs of Humanity aboard Vessel Earth, and that we naively ignore that aspect of Reality to Our Peril.

Angels and Demons

The sacred texts and stories of nearly every culture discuss the existence of angels and demons of various sizes, types, and levels that wander between, occupy, and influence various Realms, categories and domains. This is neither fiction nor merely figurative.

In general, this diverse panoply of extant metaphysical creatures is portrayed as organized into sophisticated and complex forces of Benevolence and Malevolence, that often war with each other within and for various Domains and Embodiments.

Embodied Non-Human Intelligences

Beyond the archetypically angelic and demonic Realms, or Spiritual Realm, humanity documents throughout the origin and historical stories of nearly every tribe and people the existence of various types of physically embodied non-human intelligences (both benevolent and malevolent) that interact with, interprocreate with, and influence the affairs of humanity.

The direct experience of many human beings across many lifetimes and domains attests to the varying physical appearance of these beings, from the Nordics and Pleadians that appear very similar to human beings, to the most common short and tall greys, the reptilians, the insectoids and "ant people", etc.

Many of these beings interoperate in dimensions beyond that of typical human experience, and are able to shape shift into a variety of physical manifestations and embodiments in the plane of Reality perceptible by humans.

Beyond the countless individual humans with direct personal experience with these beings, many governments around the world, including the Japanese, German, British, Russian, and United States governments, have reasonably extensive knowledge of these beings and advanced civilizations, kept in close secrecy from the human population by the Invisible Power Structures puppetting the Visible Power Structures and deceiving the populace.


The forces seeking to possess, manipulate, and harm human beings for their own gain range from the largest demons to the smallest parasites.

While smaller, a diverse ecology of parasites exists, likely infecting over half the human population.

As disturbing as it is to consider, certain of these kinds of parasites are known to influence / drive human behaviors.

The critical takeaway is that in the battle for the future of Civilization, we are not dealing merely with a conflict between human systems or ideologies, but a much deeper battle that involves angels, demons, and benevolent and malevolent non-human intelligence, co-operating and warring in both the Metaphysical and Physical Realms, including advanced physical crafts and bodies operating and influencing here on Earth and Beyond.

Among this diverse panoply, humans occupy a very interesting niche, and play a very interesting role.

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