17. Conscious Influence

As the Divine Flower of the Universe unfurls and the Implicit Logos becomes Explicit and Manifest, Consciousness is Influencing All aspects of Co-Creation from a Depth far beyond the constraints of SpaceTime.

Conscious is Co-Creating the Intersubjective Unfolding of Reality.

When considering Consciousness, one must differentiate the Meta Consciousness / Supreme Consciousness / Ultimate Consciousness of the One that orders and contains the Total Nested Hierarchy of Consciousness within Itself, from the Apparently Individuated fragments of Consciousness differentially aggregated in Bodies of temporarily Associative Energy.

Any Apparently Individuated aspect of Consciousness metaphysically or physically incarnate in a temporary Embodiment of Associative Energy can influence a Realm of SpaceTime that varies in proportion to its Quality, Size, and the degree of Responsibility and Authority it has been offered and voluntarily chosen to accept.

Just as each Apparently Individuated Consiousness can influence a SpatioTemporal Domain corresponding to its size, it can also access various Dimensions and Realms of Reality in accordance with its Quality.

Beyond the gross, low resolution, three dimensional standard physical plane generally perceptible and accessible by humanity, many other Realms of Reality exist that Ultimately are One and defy Categorization.

I am using these Word Tools very loosely as Pointers towards things which we do not at present have words for in the English Language. We will later create better Word Tools via the Lionsberg Lexicon and the Lionsberg Language.

In the vast array of trillions of galaxies across the Observable Universe and vastly Beyond, we can imagine that there may exist a tremendous diversity of Life and Consciousness ranging far beyond the incredible Diversity the human species and its Keepers are presently destroying here on Earth.

These vast diversity of Beings has a vast Diversity of Consciousness, enabling various Beings From Beyond to access and move in Dimensions and Realms of the Universe that are invisible and inaccessible to most humans.

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