16. Beyond The Limitations of SpaceTime

In order to understand what is happening in "Our World" "Right Now", and in the Universe Beyond, We must rapidly finish dispensing with the notion that SpaceTime is fundamental.

SpaceTime is not fundamental. There. Done.

SpaceTime is a product of our experience. It is a figment of the Spacetime User Interface through which fragments of Apparently Individuated incarnate Consciousness perceive them Selves and the SpatioTemporal Domains they navigate through.

Just as the Observable Universe is different for every Creature, so too is SpaceTime different for every Creature.

This is crucial because at present the vast majority of scientists are thinking of Causality incorrectly, by assuming that no signals of possible influence can travel faster than the Speed Of Light.

If we are going to successfully and Rightly Relate to the panoply of Beings From Beyond, We must first understand that many of them are not strictly limited by the SpaceTime and Dimensions perceived by most humans.

This misunderstanding is based on the false assumption that Reality is Objective and SpaceTime is fundamental.

Reality is Intersubjective, and Consciousness is fundamental.

Modern scientists are now remembering and rediscovering this, with Quantum Physics now demonstrating that the laws of the known Realms cease to govern beneath the Planck Scale.

In Reality, because One / God / Ultimate Reality is Ultimately Fundamental and Conscious, Consciousness is more fundamental (Deeper) than the Intersubjective Unfolding of the Reality it is Manifesting.

As we look across the Levels of Abstraction and Analysis, the positing of a Sphere of Causality dictated by the Speed of Light generated from a given SpatioTemporal Location is an fragile as the idea that the Observable Universe is objectively all that there Is.

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