19. Consciousness and Free Will

One of the basic characteristics of Consciousness is that it possesses Free Will in proportion to its Size and Quality.

This means that Angels, Demons, and Embodied Non-Human Beings can choose to exist and consciously co-operate towards Benevolent or Malevolent ends.

The classic religious understanding encoded in the sacred texts is that the approximate ratio of Benevolent to Malevolent spiritual beings is 2/3 : 1/3.

This matches Our Current Best Understanding.

In the realm of embodied non-human intelligence here on Earth, our Current Best Understanding is that the the proportion of Malevolent entities may be concentrated and far higher, approaching 97%. Encoded in the Biblical and other records may be the idea that the origin of the preponderance of non-human intelligence on Earth was a war in heaven, where a rebellion among the most Malevolent forces sparked a War in which the the Forces of Malevolence were vanquished and cast down, perhaps particularly concentrating on Earth.

These Forces are no match for the Force For Good, however they cannot be defeated merely by human effort.

The War must be fought and won on numerous planes simultaneously.

This means that the Force For Good ultimately prevails, but not without struggle.

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