At the same time America is defaulting on its financial contracts, leading to a meltdown of the financial system...
...America is also defaulting on its social contract, leading to a meltdown of the social system.
Over time, the growing political, economic, and governance problems begin to make it feel like the country and its government are defaulting repeatedly not only on their financial promises, but on the fundamental social contract that demands basic fairness, liberty, equality, and justice for all.
As people come to understand that the system has come unmoored from reality and that their claims on assets they thought they possessed are worth less, and that most of the real property and value has wound up in the hands of the rich and The Giants, righteous anger rightfully grows, along with the far more dangerous seeds of bitterness, envy, and resentment.
When the American Dream suddenly begins to look like a nightmare for many of those pursuing it, and they come to understand the way their pursuit is unjustly harming, exploiting, and oppressing people and ecosystems around the world...
When monetary policy suddenly tightens, and those racing ahead feel the bite of the bit in their mouths...
When we wonder why our infrastructure is crumbling and not being renewed...
When we wonder why our education system is near the bottom of the developed world...
When we wonder why our economic mobility is near the bottom of the developed world...
When we wonder why homeless and lawlessness are rising and threatening the integrity of our cities and society...
When the ponzi scheme is revealed, and citizens around the world understand that they have been fraudulently dispossessed of trillions of dollars of real wealth by the superpowers of the world...
...we are standing at a moment of global reckoning that could easily burn our systems to the ground, intentionally or unintentionally.
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