As Xion started towards the door, the governor rose in fury and his enforcer yelled for the guards to arrest him. But as the guards descended upon him, by the power of the Spirit Xion slipped through their grasp and beyond the door. Xion sprinted through the labyrinthine hallways of the government building, ducking and weaving to avoid the guards. He knew the layout of the building well, having been there many times before.
He quickly found the hidden door he had discovered years ago and slipped through it, emerging into the bustling streets. The guards pursued Xion relentlessly, but moved the Spirit, he evaded them with ease. Xion ran through the streets, weaving in and out of the crowds, leaping over the trash and debris, and utilizing the secret passages and hidden routes he had found during his childhood explorations.
As Xion continued to outpace the guards, he made his way to one of these secret passages, a hidden entrance to the Boundary concealed behind a crumbling wall and thick vines. The passage led to a small, secluded room within The Boundary, hidden at the end of a long passageway. Xion had discovered the secret passageway when he was a child, and he had used the Secret Place at the end of it for refuge and contemplation ever since.
Entering the hidden room, Xion quickly shut the door behind him and lit a candle. With the soft glow of the candlelight, Xion took a deep breath, and he began to pray. He asked the Spirit to protect, shield and guide him. As he prayed, he felt the power of the Spirit flowing through him, and he knew that he was not alone. The strange, seemingly ancient hieroglyphic writings on the walls danced and appeared to glow in the candlelight, longing to reveal the powerful secrets they had obscured for millennia.
Outside the Secret Place, the guards grew increasingly irate as they searched for Xion in vain.
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