Scene 18 - The Corrupt Governor

In disbelief, Xion approached the chief government official, who, oddly enough, was expecting him. "I thought you might come," the governor said with a cunning smile. Xion deduced that the priest had called the governor to warn him about Xion's Vision and Plan.

"Tell me your Vision and Plan," the governor said, inviting Xion to sit. His chief enforcer sat beside him, his frame towering over the governor. Xion told the leader how he had been given a Vision of the people of the Earth, rising up together above the lines that were dividing them, and uniting as a Force For Good to confront and overcome the Darkness at hand.

"The Habitable Order of Earth will rapidly fail and be overrun by immense Evil if we do not unite and take action in partnership with one another and God," Xion stated earnestly. "The Spirit showed me that heavenly forces beyond our comprehension are prepared to come to our aid, if we only return to God and one another and humbly join forces for action."

The governor abruptly stood up and walked towards Xion. With a gesture, he summoned his intimidating enforcer. "Listen closely, Xion," the governor said, his voice cold and menacing. "I am only going to tell you this once. You have already been warned by the priest, and now I am warning you. If you utter another word of this Vision and Plan again, I will silence you by force and ensure you never set foot in this community again. Look beyond The Walls. Do you see the monsters, werewolves, and beasts? I won't hesitate for a second to cast you over the walls and into their jaws if I hear even a whisper of this Vision or Plan from anyone in the community. Do you understand what I am saying?"

Xion understand the situation exactly. He locked eyes with the governor and saw the fear and weakness hidden there. The same reptilian coldness he had witnessed in the priest betrayed him, and Xion could feel the lower energies radiating from the governor's veins. "I understand clearly," Xion said, his voice calm and resolute. "You are deceitful and ravenous wolves, intertwined in an unholy alliance of church and state. You live in luxury and security with your corrupt elite, while the poor suffer in the streets, and Evil prowls just outside the gates. Your heart has strayed far from the Spirit, so much so that you would betray the Spirit of Truth and forsake the Logos to maintain your own position and power. Your downfall is imminent, you serpent, and no one will come to your rescue. You think I fear you and the other Monsters like you, but I only fear the One who is God. I will go forth and speak, and I will Voice the Truthful words that will awaken and unite the Citizens, and usher in the New. Your time in power is over, along with all of your kind. Power and Authority on Earth belongs to God, and to Us, The People."

As the governor's face flushed red and then a strange ominous green, Xion turned towards the door. He would speak the Logos of the Vision and Plan, no matter the consequences.

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