"But how can We possibly enact that plan?" Xion asked the Spirit. "I am only one, We are only a few, the city is divided and mired in Chaos, and all the Forces of Darkness have organized themselves and are arrayed against the Earth. What can a few of us do?"
As he spoke the words "a few of us", a portal opened and a new dimension appeared, and he saw an infinitely vast host of angels and beings of all shapes and sizes, cloaked in Light and Love, and arrayed for battle.
"You must only Speak it into reality," the Spirit replied. "Visions are things, thoughts are things, words are things. As you articulate the New Vision I showed you into thought, and thought into words, you will then be able to speak the Logos of the Vision. The Logos of the Vision is one with the Logos of the universe and the Logos of the New World that will be forged out of the ruins of the corrupt and decaying Old."
Xion was unsure. The Spirit was telling him that he had the power to speak the New World God Intended into being, provided that he Truthfully spoke the Logos of the Creator. He didn't believe that he had the power or the ability to speak the Logos. "But I am not capable or qualified to speak the Universal Logos," he protested.
"You need not worry," the Spirit reassured him. "I will speak through you. You are only a vessel, and the Spirit is the Voice. All you have to do is trust, have faith, empty your self out, and allow the Spirit to Speak and Flow through you. The Spirit will guide you and protect you, and you will be able to speak the Logos that brings the New and More Perfect order into being. All Creation is waiting, longing, and groaning for this liberation from the Forces of Darkness. As you begin to speak and move, all Creation will feel the Vibration of Truth and Love, will rise up to meet you, and forces beyond your wildest imagination will come to your aid. Remember the myths and legends of old. Just because it has been a long time since society has witnessed the miracles and power of God, it does not mean that power will not once again flood the earth. When this occurs, it will be not only the Power but also the Knowledge of God that will be made manifest to one and all, and on that day the New World will be at hand."
Xion was still afraid, but he was also determined. Moment by moment, the Sprit was transforming him and filling him with the Courage and Strength he would need for the battle ahead. He knew that the only way to help the Citizens of Earth vanquish their own demons within, and the forces of hell without, was to trust the Spirit, follow its guidance, and speak Its words into each moment. All the Spirit was asking for was a conduit, and so he began to empty himself out, and as he emptied himself out, he was transformed into a New Image.
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