1.1. The Lionsberg Vision and Goal

The Lionsberg Vision is a world where individuals and communities work together with a shared sense of Purpose and Values to co-create a just, Regenerative, and Flourishing society and world. The goal is to empower citizens to actively participate in the process of individual, local, and collective transformation and self-governance, fostering a distributed sense of collective responsibility and agency.

To achieve this vision, the Lionsberg model focuses on the following objectives:

  • Encouraging civic engagement and active participation in decision-making processes that shape our lives and our world
  • Building robust networks of voluntary associations, small groups, and citizen assemblies that facilitate collaboration and shared learning
  • Developing a federated and decentralized system that allows for flexibility, adaptability, self-organization, and ecosystemic resource flows in pursuit of shared goals and values
  • Creating a pattern language for Fractal Self-Governance, which serves as a foundation for evolving communities, bioregions, and the whole
  • Articulating and systematizing the Minimum Standards of Interoperability that enable the higher order functional unity and shared infrastructure, resources, and support required for the decentralized array to avoid failure, flourish and succeed

Forward to 1.2. The 7 Year Window of Crisis and Opportunity
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