Since we must become a Spiritual Body of billions of sovereign individuals who simultaneously, independently, and voluntarily choose to act together, in our unique local environments, without centralized direction or control, for the wellbeing and development of All life and All communities…
And since that is not Where We Are today…
And since we need a plan to move FROM Where We Are TO Where We Are Going...
And since no plan could possibly fathom the infinite complexity that lies along that Quest towards The Goal…
And since central planning and control will destroy our lives and society…
And since we certainly must coordinate, plan and move…
We must speak into existence a New Language and a New Way of Being that enables us, in partnership with God, to co-create and sustain the New World.
It is the truthfully spoken New Language, and truthful embodiment of the New Way by sovereign and rightly related individuals, that co-creates the New World.
The Way is like a set of principles, patterns, and protocols, that when embodied, creates and sustains life. These are like letters and words that form a language. Or notes which compose a melody. It is The Pattern Language of Heaven.
When we beautifully articulate and embody the New Language, the New World is co-created. When we compose and harmonize the notes, the universal symphony of life erupts as All life sings in harmony.
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