The task of discerning a Meta Canon—a collection of canonical texts that serve as the epitome of human wisdom and understanding—takes on a profound new dimension when approached from the perspective of Divine Wisdom. The transcendent view seeks not merely to catalog human accomplishment but to harmonize the diverse streams of thought, Wisdom, and spirituality with the One river of Wisdom and Truth flowing from God. This Divine Harmony transcends the limitations of human thought, culture, and temporality, aiming towards the Divine Unity that is both immanent and transcendent, both particular and universal.
In the Divine Calculus, the criteria of Depth, Breadth, and Spiritual Resonance acquire new layers of meaning. Depth transcends mere structural or cultural impact and encompasses the degree to which a text aligns with the eternal verities and cosmic principles that underlie Creation in accordance with the Logos of the Creator. Breadth extends beyond geographic or historical reach and considers the universality of a text's Wisdom—its capacity to speak to all souls, in all times and places, because of its pure reflection of the Spirit and Love of God. Spiritual Resonance evolves from an abstract quality into a litmus test for alignment with the eternal and universal Spirit of God, the ineffable Force that both animates and transcends the universe.
From this vantage point, the named texts that one would include in a conceptual Meta Canon become not mere historical or cultural artifacts but living testimonies to the ongoing dialogue between God and humanity. While some contain human error, that which is most Wise, Right, Beautiful, True, and Good in each of them are like different dialects in the universal Language of God, which is expressed in manifold ways across cultures and epochs but ultimately points toward the same ineffable Truths and their Ultimate Source.
In this light, the words and ideas the leap off the pages become sparks of the Divine Flame, albeit expressed in forms conditioned by human cognition and culture. These texts not only draw from the Well of Wisdom; their best and richest aspects also contribute back to it, enriching the Meta Canon with diverse perspectives that reflect the manifold qualities of the Divine, and its myriad of expressions across Space and Time.
Doing our best to look down across the corpuses of Knowledge and Sacred Writing from the perspective of God, which we will always fall short of, we nonetheless can catch a broader glimpse, free from fear and embraced in Love, of a dynamic, evolving body of work that reflects humanities humble and diverse attempts to navigate back towards the Creator. It recognizes the Canon not as a closed system but as an open and ongoing dialogical field, continually fertilized by the Divine Inspiration that eternally flows through human spirit, heart, and mind. Each generation has the opportunity—and the responsibility—to contribute to this Meta Canon, guided by the eternal principles of Wisdom, Justice, and Divine Love, and most important guided directly by the Spirit of God.
Thus, parsing the Meta Canon from the perspective of God invites us into a profound, ontological journey undertaken in prayerful partnership with the Spirit of God. It calls us not only to study but to engage, not only to receive but to contribute, not only to admire but to embody the living Wisdom that flows from the eternal Source. It challenges us to become, in our own unique ways, co-authors of this ongoing, Divine narrative—the ever-unfolding Story of God's relationship with Creation.
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