12. In The Beginning, We Do Not Know

In The Beginning, before All was, One is.

Existence. Consciousness. Life. Co-Creation. As such.

In the architecture of the Narrative Structure through which our Consciousness perceives its Self and the Reality it inhabits, the conceptual Limit Stories of One and All are essential to establish.

What does Our Story of All include? As a first step We must expand it to include everything. Both the Known and the Unknown.

Admitting that We Do Not Know, and can never fully Know, what All is contained in the All is an essential first step on The Path.

What does Our Story of One include? As a first step We must expand it to include whatever Ultimate Reality Is. Both the Known and the Unknown.

Admitting that We Do Not Know, and can never fully Know, what All is contained in the One is an essential second step on The Path.

Once We are liberated from The Illusion Of Knowing and admit that In The Beginning, We Do Not Know, We gain the Key that opens the door within The Threshold Of Knowing, Beyond which lies The Possibility of Knowing what lies Out There; Out There Beyond the Boundary of our present woefully inadequate state of ignorance and insufficiency.

There territory We are navigating out into is the Deepest essence of The Unknown. Those who pretend they Know will likely perish along the Way.

Avoiding Failure, Achieving Success, and Progressing towards Right Relationship with One and All requires the Deepest Humility we can possibly muster.

In The Beginning, We Do Not Know.

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