Above The Chaos, Reconciling the Critical Path

By Jordan Nicholas Sukut, 2024.02.16 (updated 2024.02.16)

A post in Above The Chaos

I have recently been rereading Critical Path by Buckminster Fuller, one of the few I have discovered who have truly attempted to grapple with an Omni-Considerate plan for Worksite Earth.

Not unlike Bucky, I am setting out to see what an unknown individual, operating only on behalf of all humanity, the Creator, and All Creation, might accomplish in advancing Creation towards its Best and Highest Destiny.

“Which Omni-Human advantaging task, attemptable by the individual, is inherently impossible of accomplishment by any nation, private enterprise, religion, or other multipeopled, bias-fostering combination thereof.”

I deeply value the ability to cross-check and triangulate logic.

Whereas the first 50 years (and the millennia beforehand) required primarily the co-creation of the Knowledge and Technology that make the implementation possible, the 10 Year Grand Strategy requires the co-creation of the systems and structure required to “pull” the entire human population through the transformation FROM the Old TO the New.

Bucky’s insight into the English Empire as the first closed-loop world system, and his insight into the requirement for a post-nation-state Omni-Integration of all localities, tribes, and nations into some form of Higher Order Functional Unity, points the way towards the co-creation of a closed-loop Human System co-operating in support of the eternally regenerative flourishing of the Living System.

The Lionsberg System is purpose built for this objective, to facilitate the first closed-loop-human-operating system in history. This week, I intend to begin the process of inviting the rest of humanity to Join Us for the adventure and opportunity of a lifetime.

Everything else becomes possible if we are able to reunite enough people, rapidly enough, and advance together towards The Goal.

The Meta Crisis

Bucky Notes:

  • HUMANITY IS MOVING EVER DEEPER into crisis—a crisis without precedent.
  • …society’s vivid realization of the arrival of historically unprecedented crises…
  • Dawning awareness of the availability of possibly effective but unfamiliar… means of coping with the ever-more-frequently-occurring crises…

Jordan's Notes:

The Grand Strategy

Bucky's Notes:

Greatly challenged by the Russians’ initially most successful space-operating accomplishments, President John Kennedy authorized the funds for the Apollo Project, which had first to do all of the tasks here on Earth preparatory to getting a team of humans ferried over to the Moon, to land, and then to return safely to Earth. There were obvious first things first to be accomplished—second things before third things and 7308 things before 7309 things. Some were going to take longer than others. There would be a pattern of start-ups and lead-ins of differing time lengths. This complex, shad-bone-like pattern would be known as “the critical path.” The critical path of overall human history’s technological evolution involved two million 1 things that had to be done before blast-off of the first Earth-to-Moon ferrying-over-and-back. Fortunately early humans, having no knowledge that what they were doing would someday lead to humans physically, safely visiting the Moon, had already accomplished one million of those essential tasks before John Kennedy allocated the federal funds to accomplish the remaining one million… within the critically effective…time limit.

By 1989 those successful Moon-ferry-over conditioned, thoughtful young ones will be twenty. That’s just the right age for commanding and executing the … world-embracing design science revolution, which will result in the conversion of all humanity into an integrated, omniharmonious, economically successful, one-world family.

Jordan's Notes:

  • While Bucky's timing did not come to pass, it is still possible, even at this late hour, to undertake the 10 Year Grand Strategy.
  • My Current Best Understanding of the Critical Path is that it runs through the inspiration, enlightenment, and empowerment of those "thoughtful young ones" and old ones.
  • We have built the Lionsberg System to progressively connect and empower billions of individual citizens to take action in small groups, teams, and localities over the coming 10 years.
  • By building a new, independent, persistent membership organization, with a 3 year lag to Citizenship, with associated systems and technology, we forge a structured pathway for the tipping point strategy to unfold.
  • Only by the united political will of thousands, then millions of citizens does it become possible to aggregate the resources required.
  • Thus, the Critical Path runs through Unity... which makes everything subsequent goal and milestone possible.

The Transformation

Bucky's Notes:

FROM: Omni-Disintegration TO: Omni-Integration, Omni-Success - A completely integrated, comprehensively interconsiderate, harmonious whole.

Jordan's Notes:

The Omni-Encompassing Strategy and Critical Path

Bucky's Notes:

  • In undertaking our critical-path development of a practically realizable means of bringing about all humanity’s spontaneously realizable escape from fearfully ignorant self-destruction—and entrance into an… unprecedentedly high standard of living for all, to be accomplished within a generation
  • …we are being taught… to immediately “undertake the greatest task with thorough commitment of attention to every detail.
  • We are being taught by all the foregoing to assume as closely as possible the viewpoint, the patience, and the competence of God.
  • It has to be everything for everybody or oblivion.
  • Conventional Critical Path conception in is linear and self-under-informative. Critical Path elements are not overlapping linear modules in a plane: they are systemically interspiraling complexes of omni-interrelevant regenerative feedback circuits.
  • We find our critical path to consist of a succession of Omni-Relevant… Systems… being operated by humans.

Jordan's Notes:

  • In my writings I call this ultimate and omni-considerate undertaking the Meta Project.
  • The Meta Project is guided and informed by Creator's Intent (the viewpoint and intention of God).
  • The strategy and roadmap we have been following was to create, in sequence:
      1. The structure
      1. The backbone systems and technology
    • That make it possible for connected and empowered Teams to create the entire success of omni-relevant and continuously improving systems for humans to operate
  • The core strategy is to create first the most generalized systems and tools, that make it possible for humans to subsequently create the specialized systems and tools.
  • The first system and tool was one to enable higher order functional unity among a decentralized array of self-sustaining and self-replicating individuals, teams, and localities.

The Role of the Individual

Bucky's Notes:

  • I’m trying to find out what God permits us progressively to know and preferably to do if we humans are to continue in Universe.
  • …my driving conviction that all of humanity is in peril of extinction if each one of us does not dare, now and henceforth, always to tell only the truth, and all the truth, and to do so promptly—right now.
  • “I am convinced that human continuance now depends entirely upon:
    1. The intuitive wisdom of each and every individual.
    2. The individual’s comprehensive informedness.
    3. The individual’s integrity of speaking and acting only on the individual’s own within-self-intuited and reasoned initiative.
    4. The individual’s joining action with others, as motivated only by the individually conceived consequences of so doing.
    5. The individual’s never-joining action with others, as motivated only by crowdengendered emotionalism, or by a sense of the crowd’s power to overwhelm, or in fear of holding to the course indicated by one’s own intellectual convictions.
  • I sought to discover what, if anything, can be effectively accomplished by a penniless, unknown individual—operating only on behalf of all humanity—in attempting to produce sustainingly favorable physical and metaphysical advancement of the integrity of all human life on our planet, which omnihuman advantaging task, attemptable by the individual, is inherently impossible of accomplishment by any nation, private enterprise, religion, or other multipeopled, bias-fostering combination thereof.
  • …whenever you think or you believe or you know, you’re a lot of other people: but the moment you feel, you’re nobody-but-yourself.
  • A poet is somebody who feels, and who expresses his feelings through words. This may sound easy. It isn’t.
  • To be nobody-but-yourself—in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else—means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.

Jordan's Notes:

  • The Lionsberg System is created for this purpose:
    • to enable awakening individuals to reestablish their independence, sovereignty, and autonomy
    • to empower individuals to join together into small groups and teams
    • to tackle the most meaningful local quests they can conceive of each quarter
    • based on their own judgment of the local conditions and opportunities, coupled with a shared understanding of the omni-considerate and unifying Vision, Strategy, Plan and Critical Path

Education and Awareness

Bucky's Notes:

  • Ninety-nine percent of humanity does not know that we have the option to “make it” economically on this planet and in the Universe.
  • the minimum information leading to ultimate comprehension of the fact that humanity now—for the first time in history—has the realistic opportunity to help evolution do what it is inexorably intent on doing—converting all humanity into one harmonious world family and making that family sustainingly, economically successful.

Jordan's Notes:

  • Educating and enlightening 99% of humanity requires a lot of work.
  • It cannot be done simply by providing information. It requires independent, experiential learning.
  • This requires a system, purpose-built to accomplish this goal, which produces Throughput of educated, enlightened, and empowered Individuals.
  • This is one of the core ways to measure the success of the Lionsberg System.


Bucky's Notes:

  • Is there enough? Yes.
  • …the overall design of humanity’s present social, economic, and political structuring and the physical technology it uses wastes ninety-five out of every 100 units of the energy it consumes.
  • Neither the great political and financial power structures of the world, nor the specialization-blinded professionals, nor the population in general realize that sumtotally the omni-engineering-integratable, invisible revolution in the metallurgical, chemical, and electronic arts now makes it possible to do so much more with ever fewer pounds and volumes of material, ergs of energy, and seconds of time per given technological function that...
    • ...it is now highly feasible to take care of everybody on Earth at a “higher standard of living than any have ever known.
  • It no longer has to be you or me. Selfishness is unnecessary and henceforth unrationalizable as mandated by survival.
  • War is obsolete.
  • It could never have been done before.
  • It is a matter of converting the high technology from weaponry to livingry. The essence of livingry is human-life advantaging and environment controlling. With the highest aeronautical and engineering facilities of the world redirected from weaponry to livingry production, all humanity would have the option of becoming enduringly successful.

Jordan's Notes:

  • Again, the conversion of high technology from weaponry to livingry, and the establishment of the joint ventures required to design, build, deliver, operate, maintain, recycle and continuously improve the artifacts, requires a system.
  • The Lionsberg System establishes a legal and technological Commons, into which the most advanced technologies, patents, inventions, templates, learnings, etc. can be populated.
  • The Lionsberg System establishes a Prototype, into which such technologies can be integrated as interoperable components of the Human System that addresses all the General Problems and General Needs of humanity.
  • The Lionsberg System provides the means for the establishment of Citizen Led Joint Ventures around each of The 12 Pillars of Lionsberg, and the myriad of sub-goals and values implied.
  • The Lionsberg System provides the means for shared backend infrastructure and technology, which enables each of the industries and artifacts to bootstrap and tool itself up from the bottom up, without reinventing the wheel on the General Needs inherent in all joint ventures.

Power Structures

Bucky's Notes:

  • History shows that, only when the leaders of the world’s great power structures have become convinced that their power structures are in danger of being destroyed, have the gargantuanly large, adequate funds been appropriated for accomplishing the necessary epoch-opening new technologies.
  • The first thing first is to understand what the world power structures are and of what their unique technical levers and strategies consist.
  • Throughout history… those who have gained and held control of the world’s lines of vital supply… have done so by become the masters in the game of establishing… power over All other subpowerful organizations…
  • The fall of Troy saw the supremacy over human affairs pass from the masters of the overland, Asia-to-Europe, inland-sea ferrying and caravan in lines of supply to the masters of the high-seas, maritime lines of supply.
  • The fifteenth-century Europeans’ adoption of Arabic numerals and their computation-facilitating “positioningof-numbers” altogether made possible Columbus’s navigational calculations and Copernicus’s discovery of the operational patterning of the solar system and its planets.
  • Improving the building of the ships and their navigation.
  • With Magellan’s crew’s completion of his planned circumnavigation, the planet Earth’s predominantly water-covered sphericity was proven.
  • The struggle for supreme mastery of human affairs thus passed out of the Mediterranean and into the world’s oceans.
  • In 1600 Queen Elizabeth I and a few intimates founded the East India Company. Exercising her crown privileges, the queen granted the company limited liability for losses on the part of the enterprise backers.
  • While the owners could insure and very greatly limit the magnitude of their losses, the sailors and their families could not. “Ltd.”—limited, in England—and “Inc.”— incorporated, in the U.S.A.—and other similar legal definitions in all capitalist countries constitute “for ages uncontested”—ergo, custom-validated and legal-judgment—upheld—royal decrees greatly favoring big-money capitalism over the mortal, breadwinner-loss-taking vast majority of the poor.
  • Elizabeth’s East India Company scheme was to have her national navy (and armies) first win mastery of the world’s sea-lanes. This advantage would thereafter be exploited by her privately owned enterprise.
  • This scheme became one of the first of such national power structure bids for establishing and maintaining world-trade supremacy through dominance of…. the world-around line of vital and desirable supplies.
  • All the other world-power-stature individuals who vied for supreme mastery of the world’s high seas lines of supply also operated invisibly through monarchs and nations over whom they had sufficient influence.
  • Through such behind-the-throne influence the influenced nation’s resources could be politically maneuvered into paying for the building and operation of the navies and armies that would seek to establish and protect their respective privately owned enterprises.
  • With the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 the British Empire won “the world’s power structures championship” and became historically the first empire “upon which,” it was said, “the sun never sets.” This is because it was the first empire in history to embrace the entire spherical planet Earth’s 71-percent maritime, 29-percent landed, wealthproducing activities.
  • All earlier empires were infinite systems - open systems. The British Empire was history’s first spherically closed, finite system.
  • Building and maintaining the world’s most powerful navy, the 1805 supremely victorious British Empire was to maintain its sovereignty over the world’s oceans and seas for 113 years.
  • Concurrently with its 1600 A.D.—initiated two centuries of maritime and military struggle for world dominance, England was also developing a civilian army of the world’s best-informed and Empire-backed scientific, economic, and managerial personnel for the most economically profitable realization of its grand, world-embracing strategies.
  • To educate the army of civil servants was the responsibility of the East India Company College located just outside of London.
  • Its graduates went to all known parts of the planet to gather all possible data on the physical and human culture resources to be exploited as well as information on the local customs of all the countries, large and small.
  • In 1800 Thomas Malthus, later professor of political economics of the East India Company College, was the first human in history to receive a comprehensively complete inventory of the world’s vital and economic statistics.
  • In a later-post-Trafalgar-book Malthus confirmed in 1810 his 1800 finding that world-around humanity was increasing its numbers at a geometrical progression rate while increasing its life-support production at only an arithmetical progression rate, ergo, an increasing majority of humans would have to live out their short years in want and misery.
  • A half-century later Darwin expounded his theory of evolution, assuming that nature’s inexorable processes were the consequence of the “survival only of the fittest species and individuals within those species.”
  • Karl Marx compounded Malthus’s and Darwin’s scientifically convincing conclusions… (pitting the workers and the elite against one another).
  • For the last century these two ideologies, communism and free enterprise, have dominated the political affairs of world-around humanity… each side claiming that they have the fittest, fairest, most-ingenius way of coping with the lethal inadequacy of life support operative on our planet… with only all-out-war to resolve which system is fittest to survive.
  • Those in supreme power politically and economically as of 1980 are as yet convinced that our planet Earth has nowhere nearly enough life support for all humanity. All books on economics have only one basic tenet—the fundamental scarcity of life support.
  • The supreme political and economic powers as yet assume that it has to be either you or me. Not enough for both.
  • That is why… those in financial advantage fortify themselves even further, reasoning that unselfishness is suicidal.
  • That is why… military expenditures… (have climbed into many trillions of dollars)… spent in developing the ability to kill ever-more people, at ever-greater distance, in ever-shorter time.

Jordan's Notes:

  • The Lionsberg System addresses this issue by empowering all members into a new paradigm of Citizen Led Governance.
  • This paradigm reestablishes sovereignty and autonomy at the individual, small group, and local level, ultimately working its way up through constitutional amendments at every level of governance up to the broadest conceptual whole.
  • It further addresses the issue by recognizing that only a united Force For Good, millions or billions strong, will ultimately have the power to confront and overcome The Giants.

We Are All Billionaires

Bucky's Notes:

  • Technologically we now have four billion billionaires on board Spaceship Earth who are entirely unaware of their good fortune. Unbeknownst to them their legacy is being held in probate by general ignorance, fear, selfishness, and a myriad of paralyzing professional, licensing, zoning, building laws and the like, as bureaucratically maintained by the incumbent power structures.
  • Dismaying as all this paralysis may be, it will lead eventually to such crisis that comprehensive dissemination of the foregoing truths will be accomplished through:
    1. the world-around-integrated electronic media broadcasting and
    2. the computerized switchover from the inherently-inadequate-life-support accounting assumption of yesterday to the adequate for-everyone-and-everything, Time-Energy Accounting comprehensively employed by the multi-billion-galaxied, eternally regenerative Universe itself.

Jordan's Notes

  • Our Collective Inheritance is carefully guarded and concealed by The Giants.
  • The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan calls for attempting to awaken and unite humanity prior to absolute crisis... recognizing that may not be possible, and preparing for The Prototype to be deployed in response to acute crisis.
  • All humanity could voluntary leap forward into billionaireship...
  • Whereas many scenarios of crisis and collapse involve the unnecessary suffering and death of a very significant proportion of the human population.

The Language of Science and Technology

Bucky's Notes:

  • There are two more prime obstacles to all humanity’s realization of its option to “make it.”
  • One is the fact that humanity does not understand the language of science. Therefore it does not know that all that science has ever found out is that the physical Universe consists entirely of the most exquisitely inter-reciprocating technology. Ninety-nine percent of humanity thinks technology is a “new” phenomenon. The world populace identifies technology with (1) weapons and (2) machines that compete with them for jobs. Most people therefore think they are against technology, not knowing that the technology they don’t understand is their only means of exercising their option to “make it” on this planet and in this life.
    • Fortunately the mathematical coordinate system that has been and as yet is employed by science is not the coordinate system employed by the physical Universe.
    • …fortunately, we have discovered nature’s coordinate system, which is elegantly simple and popularly comprehensible.
    • Synergetics will make it possible for all humanity to comprehend that physical Universe is technology and that the technology does make possible all humanity’s option to endure successfully.

Jordan's Notes:

  • The Lionsberg System addresses this by viewing the comprehensive healing, enlightenment and education of humanity as a objective to be systematically and measurably undertaken.
  • Each "epiphany", learning, or unlearning that needs to occur can be structured into The Lionsberg Experience at the wise right time.
  • The most crucial learnings and understandings can be included in the first 3 year period that precedes Citizenship in the (New System).

Divide and Conquer by Existing Power Structures

Bucky's Notes:

  • The other prime obstacle to realization of the “great option” is the fact that the world’s power structures have always “divided to conquer” and have always “kept divided to keep conquered.”
    • As a consequence the power structure has so divided humanity—not only into special function categories but into religious and language and color categories—that individual humans are now helplessly inarticulate in the face of the present crisis.
    • They consider their political representation to be completely corrupted, therefore they feel almost utterly helpless.

Jordan's Notes:

  • The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan addresses this by creating a Critical Path that runs through the progressive awakening, connection, and empowering of individuals
  • It understands that collective consciousness will shift along a Tipping Point Strategy that starts with a few, and gains momentum over Time.
  • It further addresses this by ensuring that the New System is entirely transcendent and independent of any existing power or authority on earth, and composed entirely of voluntarily associating individuals, groups, and localities.
  • The essence of the spiritual element moves us back Towards Oneness Through Love.


Bucky's Notes:

  • FROM: Spending our cosmic-energy savings (fossil fuels) and cosmic-capital plan and equipment (atomic energy)
  • TO: Living entirely within our cosmic-energy income, consisting of gravity and star distributed solar power, water power, tidal power, wave power, wind power, vegetation produced alcohols, methane gas, volcanism, etc.
  • Electrical-power and light-generating industry…
  • …the privately owned “public” utilities’ largest customers are the industries.
  • each utility has plotted the peak and valley patterns for each second of each day of all the years since the “public” utilities entered the business.
  • The utilities have many stand-by generators, most of which are in operation for only a small fraction of the time.
  • In the 1930s… discover(ed)… integration of the electrical-generating networks of neighboring localities, whose peaks and valleys inherently differ to some degree…
  • …the excess of any of the network’s member utilities at any one moment is frequently used by other grid members’ peaks.
  • The practical limit on the distance of electrical power delivery from the time of World War I until twenty years ago (1961) was 350 miles.
  • However, 350 miles could not span the distances between any two of the continent’s four national time zones.
  • Twenty years ago, as a consequence of the new technologies of the space age, ultrahigh-voltage, superconductivity, and other technical developments occurred that made 1500-mile delivery of electricity possible, practical, and economical.
  • This reach provided the ability to span continental time zones, whose peaks and valleys obviously differed greatly from one another, and this meant greater profits to be derived from across timezone-integrated electrical-energy networks.
  • “We must integrate the world’s electrical-energy networks.”
  • We must be able to continually integrate the progressive night-into-day and day-into-night hemispheres of our revolving planet. With all the world’s electric energy needs being supplied by a twenty-four-houraround, omni-integrated network, all of yesterday’s, onehalf-the-time-unemployed, standby generators will be usable all the time, thus swiftly doubling the operating capacity of the world’s electrical energy grid.
  • When the 1500-mile-reach capability was technically established twenty years ago, it was immediately evident… that we could carry our American electrical network grid across the Bering Straits from our Alaska grid to reach the extreme northeastern Russian grid, where the U.S.S.R. had completed a program of installing dams and hydroelectric-power-generating stations on all their northerly flowing rivers all the way into eastern Kamchatka. About 1500 miles could interconnect the Russians’ Asiatic continent electric integrated power grid with the Alaskan grid of the industrial North American electric energy grid.
  • The experts of Canada and Russia reviewed and found it feasible and desirable.

Jordan's Notes:

  • The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan treats this as a pragmatic imperative to be accomplished in the wise right way as part of the "Abundant Clean Energy" pillar - see The 12 Pillars of Lionsberg
  • This would be accomplished as the primary mission of one of the Citizen Led Joint Ventures
  • The Citizen Led Joint Venture in turn would empower a vast array of hundreds or thousands of different organizations to actually design, build, and localize the solutions...
  • Solutions will be nested in The Prototype to ensure they are designed to be interoperable within a given Instantiation, and between Instantiation Sites.
  • This interconnected energy grid is one aspect of The Prototype, which also encompasses each of The 12 Pillars of Lionsberg.

Beyond Corruptible Currencies - The Time Energy Value System

Bucky's Notes:

  • This world electric grid, with its omni-integrated advantage, will deliver its electric energy anywhere, to anyone, at any one time, at one common rate.
  • This will make possible a world-around uniform costing and pricing system for all goods and services based realistically on the time-energy metabolic accounting system of Universe.
  • In this cosmically uniform, common energy-value system for all humanity, costing will be expressed in kilowatthours, watt-hours, and watt-seconds of work.
  • Kilowatthours will become the prime criteria of costing the production of the complex of metabolic involvements per each function or item.
  • These uniform energy valuations will replace all the world’s wildly intervarying, opinion-gambled-upon, top-power-system-manipulatable monetary systems.
  • The time-energy world accounting system will do away with all the inequities now occurring in regard to the arbitrarily maneuverable international shipping of goods and the top economic power structure’s banker-invented, international balance-of-trade accountings.
  • It will eliminate all the tricky banking and securities-markets exploitations of all the around-the-world-time-zone activities differences in operation today, all unbeknownst to the at-all-times (billions of) humans who are sleeping.
  • An exclusively-to-be-accomplished, world-around-integrated, computer facilitated, cosmically compatible accounting switchover will make it popularly comprehensible that we do indeed have four billion billionaires on our planet, thereby publicizing that fact and thereby inducing the systematic release of their heritage to all Earthian humans.
  • All this Accounting Switchover must also be accomplished before 2000 AD.
  • Only the computer can cope with the astronomical complexity of integrating the unpredicted potentials of the millions of invisible technology gains in physical capabilities already accomplished.
  • Only world-considerate computer accounting will be able to produce the figures that will persuade all humanity to divert high-science technology from weaponry to livingry.
  • Computer capability will clearly manifest that we indeed now have four billion real-wealth billionaires. (All humanity at the time).
  • Computer capability will distribute… credit cards to all humanity… whose constant living, travel, and development use will continually integrate all the production starts and holds on world-wide coordinated supplying of the needs of a world-around dynamically dwelling humanity.
  • The computer will relegate all physical substances to their uniquely best functional uses.
  • the computer accounting switchover is not only possible but mandatory and must be accomplished before the fear and ignorance of the billions of humans involved in the power structure’s bureaucracies panic and push the atomic-bomb release buttons.
  • What makes us say “panic” of the major political, religious, and business bureaucracies? Bureaucracies will panic because all the great political, religious, and—most of all— big-business systems would find their activities devastated by the universal physical success of all humanity.

Jordan's Notes:

  • Lionsberg addresses this issue of Time, Energy, and Attention (TEA) as the fundamental unites of value to be allocated.
  • Time-Energy Accounting
  • The Lionsberg System has subsumed a sophisticated enough data architecture and technological backbone to enable such a system.
  • Lionsberg addresses the issue of uses a blend of currencies through the transition.
  • The System makes possible this universal mutual credit system.
  • Lionsberg addresses the Jubilee that will be required to reset the debt and injustice accumulated exponentially over the period since Bucky was writing.
  • This will require massive political will in the face of the panic of the "the major political, religious, and business bureaucracies".
  • Which is why the Lionsberg Critical Path is based on enlightening, connecting, and empowering millions, then billions of citizens.

Money Vs. Wealth

Bucky's Notes:

  • Those who make money with money deliberately keep it scarce. Money is not wealth. Wealth is the accomplished technological ability to protect, nurture, support, and accommodate all growful needs of life.
  • Money is only an expediency-adopted means of interexchanging disparately sized, nonequatable items of real wealth.
  • ...uniform energy valuations will replace all the world’s wildly intervarying, opinion-gambled-upon, top-power-system-manipulatable monetary systems.

Jordan's Notes:

  • The Lionsberg System envisions and interoperable array of local community currencies, interchangeable based on this time-energy valuations.
  • It is likely that the wise right design will include a decentralized array of local currencies, exchangeable based on unmanipulatable time-energy accounting and purchasing power parity.

Beyond Nation States

Bucky's Notes:

  • The world energy network grid will be responsible for the swift disappearance of planet Earth’s 150 different nationalities.
  • We now have 150 supreme admirals, all trying to command the same ship to go in different directions, with the result that the ship is going around in circles—getting nowhere.
  • The 150 nations act as 150 blood clots in blocking the flow of recirculating metals and other traffic essential to realization of the design science revolution.

Jordan's Notes:

  • The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan envisions this as a process of progressive transcendence of the existing systems, evolutionary rather than revolutionary, including by constitutional amendment, that enable humanity to retain the best features and benefits of the existing systems, while leaving behind all aspects no longer serving us well, and gaining the significant new capabilities required.
  • It will be crucial to avoid a collapse into absolute chaos during the transition.
  • The end result will be far greater decentralization of power, coupled with higher order functional unity among all the diverse local instances.

Beyond Jobs

Bucky's Notes:

  • Each question will be programmed into the computer asking which way society will experience the lowest-cost optimum living: by giving all humans handsome fellowships, with an income adequate for a high standard of living, or by having them go on earning their livings.
  • The computer will show that 70 percent of all jobs in America and probably an equivalently high percentage of the jobs in other Western private-enterprise countries are preoccupied with work that is not producing any wealth or life support—inspectors of inspectors, reunderwriters of insurance reinsurers, Obnoxico 2 promoters, spies and counterspies, military personnel, gunmakers, etc.
  • The computer will also have verified both of the important findings of the brilliant Denver, Colorado, oil geologist, François de Chardenèdes… that, with all that cosmic-energy processing… and processing time (paid for at the rates you and I pay for household electrical energy), it costs nature well over a million dollars to produce each gallon of petroleum.
  • We find all the no-life-support-wealth-producing people going to their 1980 jobs in their cars or buses, spending trillions of dollars’ worth of petroleum daily to get to their no-wealth-producing jobs. It doesn’t take a computer to tell you that it will save both Universe and humanity trillions of dollars a day to pay them handsomely to stay at home.

Jordan's Notes:

  • Yes. In virtually every industry that lean has touched, ~60% plus waste has been discovered. By background in construction is a great example.
  • My intuition is that this 70% estimate is actually low, and the actual percentage of non-life-or-wealth-producing jobs is higher.
  • Systems theory unequivocally has proven that it is better to pay people to not work, than to produce waste.
  • Beyond not working, we know a welfare state of non-workers will not work, and that we desire every individual and locality engaged at the edge of their developmental capacity continually.
  • The Lionsberg System addresses this by engaging individuals, in small teams, in quarterly quests, that keep each individual and team in their Zone Of Optimum Development.

Beyond Opinions

Bucky's Notes

  • Time and again in their short history computers have demonstrated their ability to reverse historically assumed-to-be-unalterable positions of both sides of the opposed political/economic power structure’s directorates or committees. Computers can remember accurately and can cope with and integrate the vast amounts of all known, relevant information on complex problems, uncopeable with prior to the computer.
  • What we had prior to the computer were respected opinions and only-selfishness-conditioned reflexes on how to cope. Though an opinion might be wrong, there was no practical and convincing way to prove it. Unchallenged, the opinions became respected precedent, then exceptionless concepts, and sometimes even civil and academically accepted social law.
  • Computers will be used more and more to produce the opinion-obsoleting answers to progressive crisesprovoked questions about which way world society as a whole will enduringly profit the most.
  • Computers will correct misinformed and disadvantaged conditioned re- flexes, not only of the few officials who have heretofore blocked comprehensive techno-economic and political evolutionary advancement, but also of the vast majorities of heretofore-ignorant total humanity.

Jordan's Notes

  • The tools and technologies for collective Sense Making should incorporate both mathematical logic and human discernment and intuition.
  • This has been incorporated into the Lionsberg System, Strategy and Plan.

Beyond School

Bucky's Notes:

  • Comprehensively and incisively programmed with all the relevant data regarding education, it will be evidenced that the physical and social costs will be far less for individual, at-home-initiated, research-and-development-interned self-teaching than having individual students going to schools, being bused, and so on.
  • The computer will make it clear that by far the most effective educational system for human beings—all the way from birth through early childhood and on—is that to be derived from the home video cassette system and its supporting books, the pages of which are also to be called forth on world-satellite-interlinked video “library” screens as published in any language.
  • The computer will also make it very clear that, freed of the necessity to earn a living, all humanity will want to exercise its fundamental drive first to comprehend “what it is all about” and second to demonstrate competence in respect to the challenges.
  • The greatest privilege in human affairs will be to be allowed to join any one of the real wealth-production or maintenance teams.

Jordan's Notes

  • The transformation of our Way of lifelong learning and development is addressed as one of The 12 Pillars of Lionsberg.
  • This will be addresssed va another Citizen Led Joint Venture.

Beyond Homelessness

Bucky's Notes

  • Now is the time for the comprehensive architectural profession to reorient itself from the six-months-per-one-residence work schedule to the millions-per-day, air-deliverable, sewer-and-water-mains-emancipated, energy-harvesting, dwelling-machine production world with its unpurchasable, air-deliverable dwelling machines only rentable from (service industry)… able to accommodate at unprecedentedly high standards of living all humanity…
  • Now is also the time for the architectural profession to reorient itself from the years-to-build, human-need-exploiting cities to the all-in-one-day-air-deliverable-or-removable, human-needserving, singly-domed-over cities.
  • We have to satisfactorily rehouse… billions of humans… Before 2000 AD.

Jordan's Notes

The Role of Humanity and the Final Exam

Bucky's Notes

  • Humanity’s… opening of a whole new chapter of humanity’s ever functioning in local support of the integrity of eternally regenerative Universe.
  • To know now what we could never have known before 1969—that we now have an option for all humanity to “make it” successfully on this planet in this lifetime—is not to be optimistic.
  • It is only a validation of hope, a hope that had no operationally foreseeable validity before 1969.
  • Whether it is to be Utopia or Oblivion will be a touch-and-go relay race right up to the final moment.
  • Humanity is in “final exam” as to whether or not it qualifies for continuance in Universe…
  • Human minds have a unique cosmic function not identifiable with any other phenomenon—the capability to act as local Universe information harvesters and local Universe problem-solvers in support of the integrity of eternally regenerative Universe.
  • We humans are here in Universe to exercise the Universe-functioning of mind. Only mind can apprehend, abide by, and be led by truth.
  • The political and economic systems and the political and economic leaders of humanity are not in final examination; it is the integrity of each individual human that is in final examination.
  • On personal integrity hangs humanity’s fate.
  • You can deceive others, you can deceive your brainself, but you can’t deceive your mind-self—for mind deals only in the discovery of truth and the interrelationship of all the truths. The cosmic laws with which mind deals are noncorruptible.
  • Cosmic evolution is omniscient God comprehensively articulate.

Jordan's Notes

  • The Lionsberg Strategy and Plan aligns with this by conceptualizing a critical path that runs through the invitation and voluntary decision of each individual to play the New Game
  • The Lionsberg Experience is rooted around lifelong learning and development at each fractal level, starting with the Individual

Preparing and Navigating Towards Truth

Bucky's Notes

  • If you…(prepare carefully)… you will be able to throw your weight into the balancing of humanity’s fate. While you could be “the straw that breaks the camel’s back,” compressively you can also be the “straw”—straw of intellect, initiative, unselfishness, comprehensive integrity, competence, and love—whose ephemerally effective tension saves us.
  • The invisibly tensive straws that can save us are those of individual human integrities—in daring to steer the individual’s course only by truth, strange as the realized truth may often seem—wherever and whenever the truths are evidenced to the individual—wherever they may lead, unfamiliar as the way may be.
  • …humans have learned scientifically that the exact truth can never be attained or told. We can reduce the degree of tolerated error, but we have learned physically… that exactitude is prohibited…
  • We can sense that only God is the perfect—the exact truth. We can come ever nearer to God by progressively eliminating residual errors. The nearest each of us can come to God is by loving the truth. If we don’t program the computer truthfully with all the truth and nothing but the truth, we won’t get the answers that allow us to “make it.”
  • In speaking of truth we are not talking about the position to take that seems to put you in the most favorable light.

Jordan's Notes

Self-Discipline and What To Do

Bucky's Notes

  • Only by understanding those (self-disciplines) can we understand the strategy governing the development of the artifacts, which strategy is called “critical path”—ergo, the name of this book.
  • Each year I receive and answer many hundreds of unsolicited letters from youth anxious to know what the little individual can do.
  • The things to do are: the things that need doing: that you see need to be done, and that no one else seems to see need to be done. Then you will conceive your own way of doing that which needs to be done—that no one else has told you to do or how to do it. This will bring out the real you…
  • Try making experiments of anything you conceive and are intensely interested in. Don’t be disappointed if something doesn’t work. That is what you want to know—the truth about everything—and then the truth about combinations of things.
  • Whenever you come to a word with which you are not familiar, find it in the dictionary and write a sentence which uses that new word. Words are tools—and once you have learned how to use a tool you will never forget it.
  • If your vocabulary is comprehensive, you can comprehend both find and large patterns of experience.

Jordan's Notes

  • The Lionsberg Pattern Language will do its best to evolve to encompass the array of Practices at all Levels of Analysis.
  • The Lionsberg Lexicon exists to help all players forge a shared vocabulary and understanding.

Misc Notes

Speculative Prehistory of Humanity

  • Crucial for establishing the Context within which and from which the Grand Strategy emerges.
  • Universe is inherently complex and eternally regenerative. It can have no “beginning” or “ending.”
  • A system divides all of the Universe into (a) all of the Universe outside the system, (b) all of the Universe inside the system, and (c) the little bit of remaining Universe which comprises the system that separates the macrocosm from the microcosm.
  • Humans are systems
  • Humans are hydraulically designed technologies, consisting primarily of water.
  • Dependence upon water has driven the human patterns of prehistory
  • …we discover that, by scientific evidence, there is neither race nor class differentiation of humans. All humans are of the same family. All physiognomic and other physiological differentiations in human appearance are the exclusive consequences of multi-generations of unplanned inbreeding of those types that survived most successfully under unique environmental conditions, within which local geographies, tribes or nations dwelt for protracted periods.
  • The Leakey family’s proofs of the presence of humans on our planet for (millions of years take us back through two ice ages and two inter-ice-age intervals…
  • Speculative hypothesis that humanity originated in the Austronesian islands and came out into the (Asian) mainland in separate stages, each occurring after one of the ice ages.
  • The Bronze Age likely began in Southeast Asia
  • The last human exodus from the islands of Austronesia… occurred after the last ice age, about 30,000 years ago.
  • Dymaxion World Map… showing… one hundred dots, each preresenting 1% of humanity as of 1980 AD… each… dot… carefully located in the demographic center of (the grouping).
  • Only about 8% of Earth’s total surface… contains 54% of humanity.

Humans in Universe

  • Establishes the role of human beings as local Universe information-gathers and problem-solvers operating in service of One and All.
  • Mind possibly may serve as the essential, anti-entropic (syntropic) function for eternally conserving the omni-interaccommodative, nonsimultaneous, and only partially overlapping, omniintertransforming, self-regenerating scenario—which We speak of as Universe.
  • Mind, operative aboard our planet Earth and probably elsewhere in Universe in a myriad of effective circumstances, can and may perform the paramount function of conserving the scenario “Universe.” If so, it will have to be accomplished by apprehending, comprehending, and teleologically employing the metaphysical, weightless, omni-intercooperative generalized principles of Universe in strategically effective degree and within a critical time limit.
  • This can be accomplished in progressively more effective ways—for instance, by Earthians competently “fielding” all those physical energy increments entropically broadcast by the stars, which happen to impinge kinetically upon our Earth as it orbits the Sun. Employing the appropriate biological and physiological principles, these receipts must be collected, sorted, analyzed, synergetically comprehended, and symmetrically combined into complex but orderly, macro-and-micro-cohering aggregates.
  • Mathematics constitutes human mind’s most cosmically powerful faculty.
  • It seems almost equally clear that between 200 B.C. and 200 A.D. a deliberately planned policy was adopted by the combined supreme political and religious power structure of that period, which undertook the conditioning of the human reflexes to misconceive and mis-see (or mostly not see at all) the macro-micro-cosmic systems in which we live. Their success drew the curtains on science for 1700 years—until 1500 A.D. That curtain would never again have been raised had it not been for the discovery of that something-called-nothing—the cipher. Because it was “nothing,” the information-monopolizing, physicalproperty coveting power structure had overlooked it.
  • The cipher alone made possible humanity’s escape from the 1700-year monopoly of all its calculating functions by the power structure operating invisibly behind the church’s ordained few.
  • Systems always divide all Universe outside the system from all of the Universe inside the system. All systems are finite subdividers of macro- and micro-Universe.

Legally Piggily

  • Provides an understanding of how our collective inheritance was stolen and progressively consolidated in the hands of The Giants.
  • Divide and conquer, and keep divided to keep conquered
  • General adaptation vs. specialization
  • Chief Seattle: This we know: the earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth. All things are connected. We may be brothers after all. We shall see. One thing we know which the white man may one day discover: our God is the same God.
  • Supply Chains: While historians place prime emphasis on the Roman legions as establishing the power of the Roman Empire, it was in fact the development of ships and the overseas line of supply upon which its power was built—by transporting those legions and keeping them supplied.
  • Up until 1500 B.C. all money was cattle, lambs, goats, or pigs—live money that was real life-support wealth, wealth you could actually eat.
  • Graduating from carrying cattle along for trading in 1500 B.C. the Phoenicians invented metal money, which they first formed into iron half-rings that looked like a pair of bull’s horns.
  • This switch to coinage occurred coincidentally at just about the same time as the great changeover from city-state dominance to line-of-supply dominance of the power-structure group controlling most of world affairs.
  • This was the time when the Phoenicians began trading with people of so many different languages that, in need of a means of recording the different word sounds made by people around the world, the Phoenicians invented phonetic spelling—Phoenician spelling—which pronounced each successive sound separately and invented letter symbols for each sound. With phonetic spelling human written communication changed very much—from the visual-metaphor-concept writing of the Orient, accomplished with complex ideagraphics (ideographs), several of which frequently experienced, generalized cartoons told the whole story visually. It was a big change from ideographs to the Phoenicians’ phonetic spelling, wherein each letter is a single sound—having no meaning in itself—and whereby it took several sounds to make a whole word and many such words to make any sense— i.e., a sentence.
  • Parallels to Tower of Babel.
  • This gradual alteration of world trading devices from cattle to gold brought about the world-around development of pirates
  • It was in 1805, 200 years after the founding of the East India Company, that the British won the Battle of Trafalgar, giving them dominance of all the world’s lines of supply.
  • In order to get their gold off the sea and out of reach of the pirates, the British made deals with the sovereigns of all the countries around the world with whom they traded, by which it was agreed from then on to keep annual accounts of their intertrading and at the end of the year to move the gold from the debtor’s bank in London to the creditor’s bank in London to balance the accounts. In this way they kept the gold off the ocean and immune to sea pirate raiding. This brought about what is now called the “balance of trade” accounting.
  • The international trading became the most profitable of all enterprises, and great land-“owners” with clear-cut king’s “deeds” to their land went often to international gold moneylenders. The great land barons underwrote the building of enterprisers’ ships with their cattle or other real wealth, the regenerative products of their lands, turned over to the lender as collateral.
  • Idea of earned interest arising from the calves (“kind” in German) that the pledged cattle had during the voyage, which was payable “in kind” - the cattle that were born while the collateral was held by the banker were to belong to the banker.
  • When the Phoenicians shifted their trading strategy from carrying cattle to carrying metal money, the metal money didn’t have little money—“kind”—but the idea of earned interest persisted. This meant that the interest was deducted from the original money value, and this of course depreciated the capital equity of the borrower. Thus, metallic equity banking became a different kind of game from the original concept.
  • since the metal or paper money does not produce children—”kind”—the banker’s so-called earned share must, in reality, be deducted from the depositor’s true-wealth deposit.
  • The merchant bankers of Venice came to underwrite the Venetians’ (the Phoenicians’) voyaging ventures.
  • It was the financing of such international voyaging, trading, and individual travel as well as of vaster games of governmental takeovers that built the enormous wealth-controlling fortunes of early European private banking families.
  • It was under analogous circumstances of financing inter-American European trade that, in the late nineteenth century, J. P. Morgan became a man of great power.
  • By having his banking houses in Paris and London, Philadelphia and New York, he was able not only to finance people’s foreign travel, all their intershipment of goods, and to give letters of credit, but also to finance and control major “new era” railroading, shipbuilding, mining, manufacturing, and energy-generating enterprises in general.
  • In our tracing of the now completely invisible world power structures it is important to note that, while the British Empire as a world government lost the American Revolution, the power structure behind it did not lose the war.
  • The most visible of the power-structure identities was the East India Company, an entirely private enterprise whose flag as adopted by Queen Elizabeth in 1600 happened to have thirteen red and white horizontal stripes with a blue rectangle in its upper lefthand corner.
  • While the British government lost the 1776 war, the East India Company’s owners who constituted the invisible power structure behind the British government not only did not lose but moved right into the new U.S.A. economy along with the latter’s most powerful landowners.
  • The supreme leaders of the American Revolution were of the southern type—George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Both were great landowners with direct royal grants for their lands.
  • Obviously, very powerful people had their land given to them by the king and not by God, but the king, with the church’s approbation, asserted it was with God’s blessing. This deed-processing produced a vast number of court decisions and legal precedent based on centuries and centuries of deed inheritances. Thus, landlord’s deeds evolved from deeds originally dispensed from deeds of war.
  • There were no income taxes until after World War I.
  • In 1810, only five years after Malthus’s pronouncement of the fundamental inadequacy of life support on planet Earth, the telegraph was invented. It used copper wires to carry its messages. This was the beginning of a new age of advancing technology.
  • All the new technology of all the advancing industry, which was inaugurated by the production of steel in the midnineteenth century, required the use of all the known primary metallic elements in various intercomplementary alloyings.
  • The metals were rarely found under the farmlands or in the lands that belonged to the old lords of the foodproductive lands. Metals were found—often, but not always, in mountains—all around the world, in lands of countries remote from one another. Mine ownerships were granted by governments to the first to file claims.
  • It was the high-seas, intercontinental, international traf- ficking in these metals that made possible the life-support effectiveness of both farming and fishing. The high-seas trafficking was mastered by the world-around line-of supply controllers—the venturers and pirates known collectively as the British Empire. This world-around traffic was in turn financed, accounted, and maximally profited in by the international bankers and their letters of credit, bills of exchange, and similar pieces of paper. International banking greatly reduced the necessity for businessmen to travel with their exported goods to collect at the importer’s end. Because the world-around-occurring metals were at the heart of this advance in standards of living for increasing numbers of humans all around the world, the struggle for mastery of this trade by the invisible, behindthe-scenes-contending world power structures ultimately brought about the breakout of the visible, international World War I.
  • The invisible-power-structure “outs” puppeted the Germans and their allies. The invisible-powerstructure “ins” puppeted Great Britain and her allies.
  • J. P. Morgan was the visible fiscal agent for the “in” power structure, operating through Great Britain and her allies.
  • By skillful psychology and propaganda the “ins” persuaded America that they were fighting “to save democracy.”

Self-Disciplines of Buckminster Fuller

  • Reaffirms the understanding that the New must be rooted in a New Practice and Way of Being

The Geoscope

  • Outlines the design and functioning of a critical digital and physical educational and decision making tool to be included in The Prototype.

World Game

  • Creates a way of thinking Omni-Considerately about best and highest future for all.