This is about a 20,000 word "book" outlining a biblical perspective and defense of the Lionsberg system. The Summary in section one is a 4,500 word starting point that can be read in 10 to 20 minutes.
Introduction - Lionsberg - A Biblical Perspective Summary - Lionsberg - A Biblical Perspective
The Perfect Nature, Character, and Intention of God
Transforming Our Lives Towards Perfection
Transforming Our World Towards Perfection
Co-Creating A Better World - a Biblical Perspective
Facing Into The Reality of the Meta Crisis
Existing Systems and Approaches
The Need For A Comprehensive And Integrated Meta Solution
The Need For A Biblically Sound Meta Solution
The Lionsberg System as a Prototype and Solution
How Lionsberg Fits Into The Global Landscape
Implementation And Roll-Out Of The Lionsberg System
Alignment Of The Lionsberg System With Biblical Principles And Values
Why A Comprehensive System And Approach Is Not Anti-Christ Or One World Government
Conclusion - Lionsberg - A Biblical Perspective