Existing Systems and Approaches

As we grapple with the complex and interconnected challenges of the Meta Crisis, it is clear that our existing systems and approaches are not sufficient to effectively address these issues.

One major problem is fragmentation. Many of our current approaches to addressing the Meta Crisis are siloed and focused on a single issue or sector, rather than considering the interconnected nature of these challenges. This can lead to solutions that address symptoms rather than root causes, and may have unintended consequences on other issues.

Another issue is a short-term focus. Many approaches prioritize short-term gains of wealth or power over long-term regenerative capacity, leading to solutions that may not be viable in the long run. This short-sighted approach does not adequately address the complexity and scale of the Meta Crisis.

Additionally, many existing approaches lack integration and fail to consider the interdependent nature of the challenges we are facing. This results in partial, inadequate, and fragmented solutions and interventions.

Some approaches prioritize the interests of certain groups or sectors over others, resulting in solutions that are not loving and just for all members of society. This can perpetuate existing inequalities and injustices, rather than addressing the root causes of these problems.

Other approaches may be inflexible and unable to adapt to changing circumstances, making them less effective in addressing complex and dynamic challenges.

Other approaches are openly genocidal, evil and anti-human, advocating for drastic and non-voluntary reductions in the human population on earth.

Economically, pure socialist and communist models, which seek to address issues through central planning and control, have immense limitations. These systems often lead to cascading system errors, lack of individual freedom and creativity, and a failure to properly calculate and address the near-infinite complexity of the interrelated issues and challenges across various localities and domains. This has been proven to lead to unnecessary suffering and death.

At the same time, pure capitalist models, which incentivize individuals to compete and act in their own self-interest, are proving highly exploitative and problematic. This is especially true in the context of a lack of shared vision, values, beliefs, and mutual commitment and concern for the eternal well-being of others and the earth. The earth is being exploited, poverty and injustice are rampant, supply chains are unstable, and the means for billions of families to adequately provision themselves is far from clear and adequate. This is also leading to unnecessary suffering and death.

Politically, corrupt, divisive, and deceitful politics are tearing at the fabric of society, destroying trust in our institutions, and making it nearly impossible for citizens to engage in meaningful and informed self-governance. Consolidating power at the federal and executive levels is robbing individuals and localities of their agency and empowerment to do the wise and right thing, in accordance with their local conscience and discernment, in their own time and place.

Spiritually and culturally, we have come entirely unmoored, rejecting the wisdom and traditions of the past, and destroying our overarching and uniting sense of purpose, meaning, vision, and values as a society. Conflict and confusion about the proper place and role of church and state is causing further division, dysfunction, and concern. A loss of understanding about individual, spiritual, and social transformation is leading to socially powerless and inactive spiritual communities. And the loss of hope and meaning is contributing to cascading anxiety, depression, and substance abuse that makes the many individuals and families a living hell.

Spiritually, socially, economically, politically, and environmentally, the existing systems and approaches are failing in their fragmented and siloed efforts.

It is clear that we need a new approach to addressing the Meta Crisis, one that is comprehensive, integrated, adaptable, and aligned with both biblical principles and modern technologies and capabilities. Only by taking a holistic and wise systems thinking approach can we hope to effectively address the interconnected and complex challenges of the Meta Crisis. This approach must consider the interconnected nature of the Meta Crisis, as well as the interdependent nature of the human and living systems that are impacted by it. It must also prioritize long-term regenerative capacity, relationships, and adaptability in order to forge a more perfect, just, and flourishing world for all.

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