Summary - Lionsberg - A Biblical Perspective

1. Introduction

Lionsberg is a comprehensive and integrated approach to addressing the social, governmental, economic, spiritual, and environmental challenges facing humanity and our planet. At its core, Lionsberg is grounded in biblical principles and values that promote truth, love, justice, wisdom, stewardship, and goodness. This summary will examine how Lionsberg aligns with these biblical values and presents a compelling case for why it is a biblical solution to the current Meta Crisis, or total interconnected set of issues and challenges facing humanity.

Throughout this page, we will explore the biblical foundations of Lionsberg and how it is inspired by the perfect nature, character, and intention of God, as revealed in the Bible. We will also consider the call to be perfect as God is perfect and to do what Jesus would do, and how a system like Lionsberg can enable us to live out this call in practical and powerful ways. Additionally, we will examine the current state and crises facing humanity, existing systems and approaches, and the alternative that Lionsberg offers to address these challenges in a balanced and holistic manner.

Finally, we will consider the global landscape and the role of Lionsberg in shaping a better future for all generations of life. We will also discuss strategies for implementing and rolling out the Lionsberg System on a global scale and the importance of collaboration in this process.

2. The Story of the Bible

The Bible tells the story of God's relationship with humanity and His plan for the world. In the beginning, God created the universe and everything in it, including humanity made in His image. God loved His creation and wanted a right relationship with it, so He gave special instructions to humanity. However, humanity repeatedly ignored these instructions and fell prey to temptation, leading to consequences such as chaos, conflict, and captivity. Despite this rebellion and struggle, God did not give up on humanity and continued to call out to them through subsequent generations of prophetic voices, offering redemption and restoration. The story of the Bible follows the ongoing struggle of humanity to understand and follow God's ways, including the progressive revelation of His nature and plans through the prophets and judges of Israel and the Mosaic Covenant. It also includes God's vision for a properly ordered society and world, where peace and harmony reign and all things flourish under His rule in the Kingdom of Heaven. The New Testament tells of the fulfillment of the first part of the messianic story through Jesus. The New Testament and Old Testament prophesies also continue to look forward to the time when the messiah will return not as the sacrificial lamb, but the warrior king who will establish the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven, a Kingdom whose reign shall be without end. Understanding the biblical story is important for understanding God's character, nature, intention, and goal. As we increase in our understanding of God's intention, we can become co-workers with God, progressively perfecting our lives and our world and working together in partnership with one another and the Spirit of God towards the Kingdom of God, on earth as it is in heaven.

3. The Perfect Nature, Character, and Intention of God

The Bible teaches that God is perfect, and that we are to be actively transformed towards perfection as well. God's perfect nature is revealed throughout the Bible and creation, and is characterized by His love, justice, wisdom, power, and goodness. He is the creator of the universe, eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing, all-present, and holy. He is loving, just, merciful, gracious, faithful, sovereign, and the redeemer. He is the sustainer of life, the source of truth, wisdom, hope, peace, joy, strength, comfort, guidance, protection, salvation, righteousness, sanctification, holiness, and glory. God is also the ruler of all, the Lord of lords, the King of kings, the Almighty, the Most High, the Ancient of Days, the Rock, the Fortress, the Deliverer, the Savior, the Redeemer, the Mediator, the Lawgiver, and the Judge. He is the First and the Last, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Author and the Finisher. As the Creator and Author of all things, God's desire is for His creation to increasingly reflect His own nature, which is perfect and good. God's intention is for right relationships and perfection to be reflected in every aspect of life, society and the world, leading to a state of flourishing for all, which is the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. This is the unity of the eternal prophetic vision articulated in Isaiah and throughout scripture with Jesus's commandment to be perfect as God is perfect, and seek and pray first for the Kingdom of God, on earth as it is in heaven.

4. Being Perfect as God is Perfect, and Doing What Jesus Would Do

The Bible calls us to be perfect as God is perfect, to actively seek right relationship with Him, and to strive to live in accordance with His perfect ways, will, and intention. This involves being transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit towards His perfect image, nature and character, so that we can experience the fullness of life and joy that can only be found through this process.

Transforming and being transformed towards the image of God is not something that can actually be attained. It is simply the One target at which we are called to aim, understanding that we will always miss or fall short of the mark. This is where God's eternal and universal loving mercy and grace enter. Our job is simply to do our best, to be honest about where we are failing and falling short, to try to get a little better every day, and a little closer to the perfect will and intention of God on earth as it is heaven. We are all imperfect, messy humans. However by the grace and power of the Spirit of God within us, we can get a little better every day as we are all transformed towards the same perfect Image, in our own unique and diverse ways.

This transformation is not a passive endeavor, but rather occurs through our active participation in bringing God's Spirit and intention into embodied form in our lives and world. This means participating in the ongoing work of bringing about the Kingdom of God on earth through our prayers, our thoughts, our words, and our actions. Paul instructs us to be imitators of God, yet Jesus calls us beyond mere imitation, praying for us to be one with God just as he was, living embodiments of the Spirit of God, who would do even greater things than he did through the power of the same Spirit within us.

5. The Meta Crisis - The Current State of Social, Governmental, Economic, Spiritual, and Environmental Challenges

In stark contrast to the perfect Vision and Intention of God for our lives and our world is the harsh reality of where we are today. The world is facing an unprecedented level of social, governmental, economic, spiritual, and environmental challenges. These challenges are not isolated, but rather are interconnected and interdependent, with each exacerbating the others, and flowing from deeply intertwined root causes.

The environmental challenges of pollution and degradation, biodiversity loss, and resource depletion are having far-reaching impacts on social, economic, health, and political systems.

The social challenges of poverty, abuse, injustice, oppression, and exclusion are causing suffering, starvation and instability.

Economic challenges such as inequality, lack of guiding principles and values, short-term self-interested focus, and unsustainable practices are contributing to social and political unrest, and environmental destruction.

Political and governmental challenges such as instability, corruption, deceit, totalitarian oppression, chaos and war are undermining the ability to address other crises at various local and global scales and causing further issues and injustices.

Spiritual and cultural challenges like the erosion of shared beliefs, lack of meaning, purpose, and guiding principles and values are causing a lack of hope and agency, while eroding social and spiritual cohesion.

It is clear that a comprehensive and integrated solution is necessary to address the root causes of these interconnected challenges.

6. Existing Systems and Approaches

The existing systems and approaches attempting to address the challenges of the Meta Crisis each have limitations and are failing to effectively address the root causes of these issues. Many approaches are siloed and focused on a single issue or sector, rather than considering the broadest Whole and the interconnected nature of these challenges. This can lead to solutions that address symptoms rather than root causes and may have unintended consequences on other issues. Many approaches also prioritize short-term gains over long-term regenerative capacity and fail to consider the interdependent nature of the challenges we are facing. This results in partial, fragmented, and temporary solutions. Most approaches prioritize the interests of certain groups, tribes, or nations over others, perpetuating existing inequalities and injustices and compromising the integrity and cohesion of society. Others may be inflexible and unable to adapt to changing circumstances, while some are openly genocidal, evil and anti-human.

Economically, pure socialist and communist models have limitations and have often lead to cascading system errors and a lack of individual freedom and creativity. Pure capitalist models have also proven exploitative, especially in the absence of shared vision, values, beliefs, and mutual concern for the eternal flourishing of others and the earth.

Politically, corrupt, divisive, and deceitful politics and narratives are tearing at the fabric of society and making it difficult for citizens to engage in informed self-governance.

Spiritually and culturally, we have lost our sense of purpose, meaning, vision, and values as a society, leading to depression, anxiety, substance abuse, a loss of hope and meaning, and even suicide as the ultimate act of desperation and escape.

Religiously, there are increasing conflicts and division between faith traditions and within faith traditions, siloing and sidelining people of faith from working together to transform the root causes of suffering and injustice.

All of these existing systems and approaches have failed to effectively address the root causes of the Meta Crisis. Their failings powerfully demonstrate that a new systematic approach is not only needed, but morally and ethically demanded to relieve suffering and co-create a better future.

7. The Need For A Comprehensive and Integrated Solution

From both a systems analysis and biblical point of view, it is clear that a comprehensive and integrated solution to the Meta Crisis and the failings of the old systems is required.

In light of the biblical principles of unity, cooperation, and wise holistic thinking in partnership with God and one another, it is clear that our integrated approach to life and society must consider the needs of all people and all living systems, and prioritize long-term flourishing and wellbeing of all creation.

The flourishing of all creation in harmony cannot and will not happen by accident or default. It requires that consciously construct, in a wise way and in accordance with biblical principles and values, the total set of systems and cultural norms that enable life and society to flourish.

Only through a comprehensive, integrated, and adaptable approach can we hope to effectively address the root causes of the Meta Crisis and our suffering, vanquish corruption and injustice, liberate the oppressed, and work in partnership towards the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

8. The Lionsberg System As A Prototype and Solution

The Lionsberg System was purpose-built in response to the Meta Crisis and Meta Opportunity as a prototype of such a solution. The System is intended not only to address the present crisis, but also to become the long-term infrastructure and means for a new era of collaboration, abundance, and goodwill among all peoples, tribes, and nations.

The System is composed of a number of core components, including a new citizen-led legal and governance infrastructure, a technological platform, an integrated delivery system, a code of behavior, and a constitution. These elements work together to create a framework that empowers individuals and communities to take ownership of their own development within the boundaries of biblical principles and values, and co-create solutions to the challenges they face. The System is designed to be flexible and adaptable in response to changing conditions and unique local needs, and to evolve as we learn and grow together. The Lionsberg System is not intended to be a finished or perfect product in any way, but rather a prototype and experiment to connect and empower existing positive efforts, while adding in significant new capabilities and potentials that many existing efforts lack as a result of their siloed nature and isolation.

One of the key ways in which the Lionsberg System addresses the challenges facing us is through its legal and governance infrastructure. The System's legal structure is designed to facilitate emergence, and to support the co-creation of advanced solutions that are aligned with the wisdom and principles of God and nature. It includes a range of legal and governance tools that allow for public-private partnerships across traditional divides, and which can be used to create the conditions for the emergence of new forms of partnership and collaboration in the public and private sectors.

The Lionsberg System also promotes economic models that prioritize long-term sustainability, justice, equilibrium, and the well-being of both human and living systems. It seeks to create a more equitable and just economic system that provides opportunities for all members of society and nature to thrive.

To address environmental challenges such as pollution, degradation, and resource depletion, the System promotes eternal regenerative capacity and responsible stewardship of the natural environment. This is done within the context of balancing social, economic, and environmental concerns in a wise and responsible way. It also supports initiatives such as clean and abundant renewable energy and conservation, and works towards the regeneration of decaying communities and ecosystems.

In terms of spiritual and cultural challenges, the Lionsberg System seeks to restore a sense of shared purpose, meaning, vision, and values, as well as the rediscovery and preservation of traditional religious and cultural practices. It works towards creating a sense of community and connection among individuals, organizations, and communities around the world, while encouraging individuals of goodwill to work together across traditional denominational divides.

The System also seeks to address issues of religious extremism and intolerance by promoting understanding, dialogue, and mutual respect among people of different beliefs. A biblical approach shows us that despite our differences, we are to be the good Samaritan, love our neighbor as our selves, love our enemies, and work together to embody the the will and intention God, right here on earth.

In terms of social challenges, the Lionsberg System begins from the standpoint of respecting the inherent dignity and worth of all members of society. It couples this strong love and desire for the wellbeing of all with appropriate structures, values, boundaries, and codes of conduct. These structures ensure that the community maintains safety, standards, and proper order within its boundaries. It seeks to address issues such as poverty, abuse, injustice, oppression, and inequality through a range of initiatives, including knowledge, microfinance, education, and capacity building programs that help liberate, provide opportunities, and lift up those need.

The Lionsberg System also addresses political and governmental challenges through its decentralized governance structure, which shifts power away from centers of accumulation and promotes distributed local empowerment and agency. This structure allows for decision-making to be decentralized to the lowest appropriate level, while still maintaining a global vision, communication and coordinating function. This approach creates a more responsive and accountable governance system, and promotes stability and good governance at all levels.

9. How The Lionsberg System Fits Into the Global Landscape

The Lionsberg System is designed as an independent system that any existing individual, organization, community, or institution can voluntarily participate in, provided they agree to the constitution, code, principles, and values of the system, and there is mutual consent.

It is established to embody the Ideal of a secure City on a Hill, with the wise balance structure, boundaries, universal laws, services, hospitality, community, culture and capabilities to serve, inspire, and lift up all who find their way to it.

As an independent and transcendent new system, Lionsberg is not intended to supplant or replace existing groups, systems or institutions, but rather to connect and empower them, while respecting their inherent dignity, sovereignty and autonomy. This includes building connections with existing groups that share similar values and goals, and leveraging collective resources and expertise to create impact, solve problems, and drive greater progress together than any of us could achieve in isolation. The System is designed to be comprehensive, flexible and adaptable in response to changing conditions and unique local needs, and to evolve as we learn and grow together.

10. Implementation and Roll-Out

The implementation and roll-out of the Lionsberg System will be a multifaceted process that involves the collaboration of individuals, organizations, and communities around the world.

Key components of this process include:

  • the development of a global platform and infrastructure
  • the recruitment and onboarding of new members
  • the creation of strong community and culture
  • the development and distribution of new tools and technologies
  • the establishment of new forms of governance and decision making
  • the creation of new economic models and approaches to resource management
  • the building of relationships and partnerships
  • and the development of internal and external communication and outreach strategies.

The goal of this process is to empower individuals and communities to take ownership of their own development and co-create solutions to the challenges they face, in collaboration with other member groups around the world.

The success of the implementation and roll-out strategy will be able to be gauged by the rate of adoption, resourcing, and support of the System and Movement.

11. Alignment of the Lionsberg System with Biblical Principles and Values

The Lionsberg System is founded on a comprehensive set of universal wisdom, principles, and values that are intended to guide behavior and decision making within the community. These values are inspired by and align with biblical principles and values, and are intended to foster a culture of trust, transparency, and accountability.

The core values of Lionsberg, including truth, love, justice, stewardship, and wisdom. These align with biblical principles and values such as the pursuit of wisdom and Truth (Proverbs 23:23) and the call to do justice (Isaiah 1:17). The value of Love, which is the core design principle of the entire Lionsberg System, aligns with Jesus' commandment to love one another (John 13:34) and the biblical understanding of love as the highest virtue (1 Corinthians 13:13), and the nature of God (1 John 4:8).

The purpose and goal of the Lionsberg system is to connect and empower humanity to help one another seek first the Kingdom of God, on earth as it is in heaven. Lionsberg exists solely to support the quest of humanity towards perfect unity and love, guided by the Spirit of Wisdom and Truth.

Throughout the Bible, there are numerous passages and themes that relate to the issues and challenges addressed by the Lionsberg System. These include the call to love and serve others (Matthew 25:35-40), the importance of caring for the poor and marginalized (Isaiah 58:6-7), and the responsibility to be good stewards of the earth. The Lionsberg System is deeply aligned with these biblical principles and values, and seeks to create a world in which all people have the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential, in accordance with God's lovingkindness and desire for all creation to flourish.

12. Why A Comprehensive System And Approach Is Not Anti-Christ Or One World Government

In the early stages of development of the Lionsberg System, as we were searching for the right language for a comprehensive new system and approach to the crises facing humanity, we were surprised and taken aback by concerns from several people in the Christian community. Among the most serious were fears that some of the language being used sounded like the "one world government" associated with the antichrist in the book of Revelation. Our intention is to ensure that the Lionsberg System and Approach is entirely aligned with biblical principles and the teachings of Jesus. In order to honor these concerns and not take them lightly, we took the time and effort to deeply reexamine every area of the Lionsberg System, and to create this book to address these concerns.

It is understandable, especially in light of the distorting political and religious propaganda during WWII, the Cold War, and the social transformations and strains that followed, that some believers harbor concerns that any comprehensive system or approach could be associated with totalitarian control or the dreaded "one world government" of the anti-Christ. However, we hope that upon closer examination, it will become clear that the Lionsberg System is entirely founded upon and inspired by biblical principles and values.

The idea of a totalitarian and controlling "one world government" and "one world religion" was prophesied in the book of Revelation, and was a particular topic of teaching, fear and concern for Christians in the 80s, 90s, and 2000s. As a result, any comprehensive solution or approach to global issues can evoke fear and suspicion in some people. The basic essence of the "satanic spirit" is one that seeks to rise up and usurp the place of God, and in place of the universal sovereignty and free will offered by God, impose a top-down system of totalitarian control. In the vision of the book of Revelation, this culminates in satan empowering the antichrist to implement a totalitarian system that controls every aspect of identity, government, economy and religion, ultimately demanding that humanity worship the antichrist instead of God.

In stark contrast to this hellish vision, the Lionsberg System aims to elevate and empower a decentralized network of individuals and communities to voluntarily work together towards shared goals and values that are entirely consistent with biblical principles and values. Far from being a centralized system that seeks to exert control over all people, resources, and transactions, it instead aims to push power and authority away from centralizing systems and back to the people. As an entirely voluntary and citizen led system and movement, it is the diametric opposite and antidote to any attempted centralizing or totalitarian state.

The Lionsberg System is based on principles of citizen-led impact in society, guided by values of truth, love, justice, stewardship and wisdom in service of One and All. It empowers individuals and communities to take control of their own development and to work together to create a more just, sustainable, and prosperous world for all.

Lionsberg is aiming towards the type of renewed world prophesied by Isaiah and others, who foretell of the time when the wisdom and knowledge of God will cover the earth like floodwaters, ushering in a new era of harmony, prosperity, and right relationship between the Creator and all creation.

The Lionsberg System aligns with the teachings of Jesus, who encouraged us to seek first the highest overarching and uniting will and intention of God, on earth as it is in heaven. As such, it is entirely opposed to the opposite spirit and intention of Satan and the antichrist. As Jesus said, when he was accused by casting out demons by the power of the prince of demons, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

The Lionsberg System endeavors only to align itself with the Spirit of God and the perfect and eternal Kingdom of God. As an entirely voluntary system of alignment, empowerment, and self-governance, the Lionsberg System is diametrically opposed to any form of governance that would violate the freedom, dignity, sovereignty, or autonomy of human beings created in the image of God.

In summary, the Lionsberg System is not a one world government, but a decentralized and empowered system and network of individuals and communities working together towards a common goal guided by principles of truth, love, justice, stewardship and wisdom in service of One and All. As such, it does not seek to exert control over all people and resources, but rather to empower citizens and communities to take charge of their own development and help one another progress towards their shared goals and values.

13. Conclusion

As we face into an unprecedented Meta Crisis, the Lionsberg System represents a comprehensive and integrated approach to addressing the social, governmental, economic, spiritual, and environmental challenges of our time. It is based on biblical principles and values, and is intended to serve as a means of aligning and mobilizing the collective resources, expertise, and creativity of people around the world towards the purpose, will, and intention of God by pragmatically empowering them to meet needs, solve problems, and accomplish goals.

The Lionsberg System offers an alternative that seeks to avoid the pitfalls and false dichotomies of existing and narrow political and economic ideologies. It is a system purpose-built to facilitate voluntary cooperation and collaboration towards the common good and the perfect will and intention of God. It is a serving and enabling system that elevates and empowers individuals, organizations, and communities to accomplish together what is impossible in isolation.

We encourage all Christians and all citizens around the world, to critically examine the historical and political context of their faith and to work together across the lines historically dividing us towards a more truthful, loving, just, wise, and good world for all people and all creation. By understanding the ways that Christianity has been misused to support various political, national, and economic ideologies, we can reclaim the universal and eternal biblical values and work towards a world in which these values are realized for all people, on earth as it is in heaven.

The Lionsberg System is a means of partnering with God and one another in a wise and comprehensive way for the benefit of all. We invite all people of goodwill to join us in this effort, and to work towards a world in which the nature, character, and intention of God is realized for all people and all generations of life.

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