Scene 24 - The New Vision Spreads

As the movement grew, small groups began gathering in secret to discuss the New Vision and Plan and prepare for action. Copies of the Vision and Plan were distributed throughout Earth, securely stored within each group to ensure access to the information, even if the corrupt forces within The Boundary or the Forces Of Darkness outside the boundary disrupted communications.

They knew that the corrupt leaders and the Forces Of Darkness were reacting violently to the New Vision and Plan, and that each of them faced persecution and even death for their actions. Despite this, they were determined to confront and overcome the Darkness and forge a New World, free from corruption and injustice, and united in the service of the highest intention and greatest Good.

Each group worked together to develop unique strategies and supporting action plans, outlining their contributions to the master plan and methods for spreading the message further. Some focused on creating underground communication networks, while others established safe houses and hiding places for those hunted by the authorities. Others organized protests and public demonstrations to raise awareness, support the cause, and show the authorities that their iron grip was weakening.

In the midst of this activity, Xion worked with wise community members and tirelessly refined and expanded the New Vision and Plan. He spent hours each day in deep prayer, seeking guidance from the Spirit. He also dedicated time to writing and contemplating, capturing the essence of the Vision and Plan and translating it into accessible and compelling language.

Whenever he updated the Vision and Plan, it was automatically distributed across a decentralized network of servers, ensuring each group had local access to the latest version if communications were severed.

As weeks passed, the network of small groups grew and expanded, drawing more people to the cause. The whispers of the New Vision and Plan became louder and more widespread until it seemed that everyone in the community was talking about nothing else. The corrupt leaders and the Forces Of Darkness sensed the shift and were furious, as they saw their ability to divide, control, and destroy slipping away. But the people were determined to press on and co-create the New World they know knew was possible.

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