11.21 Optimizing For The One Vs. Optimizing For One

The fundamental Pattern of Life is to optimize for the One. If we optimize for The Goal, which is to bring the Will and Intention of the One into Reality for the Good of All, we will All succeed.

The Pattern of Death is to optimize for any one other than the One. If we optimize for any one other than the One, we fail.

There is no long term reality in which some of us succeed by exploiting and harming others. What we do to others, we do to ourselves and our loved ones. When we consume the lives and wellbeing of others for our own benefit, we are literally consuming the life of ourselves, our children, and grandchildren’s grandchildren.

Optimize for the One. This is the same as optimizing for All. This is the same as optimizing for Future Generations. This is the same as optimizing for our Future Selves.

The failure or success, suffering or abundance, of you, your family, your community, your species, and generations of life to come depends on it.

This is a final exam for humanity. We need to pass it quickly  and not fail so that we qualify to continue onward in the Quest towards the Goal.

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