No matter how concerned about the state of the world we are, we should probably be more concerned.

We don't know, but many think that the last time this many high-pressure patterns simultaneously stacked up against an existing order was 500 years ago. Others think that due to the technological, social, economic, and ideological interconnection of the world, and the spiritual battle that is at hand, this moment is unprecedented.

In the book To Kill A Mockingbird, one of the themes is the father teaching the family to understand when it is time to worry, and when it it not.

He says repeatedly, "It is not time to worry yet."

I say to you, "It is now time to worry." The building is on fire, and your grandchildren's grandchildren may still be suffering in the hellfire if we do not awaken, arise and set things back in order.

There are times when the wisdom of the Spirit of God says, "Do not worry or be afraid. Don't you know that your Heavenly Father already knows everything you need?"

There are other times when it says "Go, strengthen yourself; take note, and see what you should do, for in the spring of the year (the enemy) will come up against you."

There are times when we are called to do nothing, and there are times when we see the famine coming and store up grain in obedience to the moving of the Spirit of God.

There are times when we are called to do nothing, and there are times when we see the flood coming and build an ark in obedience to the moving of the Spirit of God.

There are times when we allow our Selves to be led as a lamb to the slaughter, and there are times when, seeing evil and recognizing its willingness to torture and oppress the innocent, we rise up to vanquish it, liberate creation from its talons, and reestablish the Kingdom of God.

When the building is on fire and the wolves are at the door, it is time for STRENGTH, WISDOM, PLANNING AND ACTION.


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