2.5. The Pattern for Stewarding the Commons

Context: Each voluntary association creates a new Domain Of Responsibility And Authority, bringing into existence a Commons and Field of Agreements that must be stewarded in a regenerative manner for the benefit of all participants in the Domain, in a Way that also works for the Community, Environment, and Whole the Domain exists within. In the Lionsberg model, effective stewardship of the commons at every fractal level, within each Domain Of Responsibility And Authority, is essential for the well-being of current and future generations and the overall resilience and adaptability of the Citizen Led Governance system.

Problem: The commons, which include shared resources, public spaces, nature, and intangible assets, often suffer from mismanagement, inadequate stewardship, overuse, and depletion, resulting in negative consequences for the environment and society.


  • Limited resources
  • Conflicting interests
  • Lack of effective stewardship practices
  • Difficulty in monitoring and enforcement
  • Degradation of shared resources
  • Limited resources for improvement efforts
  • Perceived scarcity
  • Resistance to change
  • Short-term self-interest, vs. eternal and universal wisdom

Solution: Solution: The Lionsberg model proposes a pattern for stewarding and improving the commons based on the following principles:

  1. Define and identify Domains of Responsibility and Authority: Clearly identify Domains of Responsibility and Authority across Levels of Abstraction, and establish their boundaries and stakeholders.
  2. Define and identify the Commons: Clearly identify the commons within the individual, local, regional, and global context, and establish their boundaries and stakeholders.
  3. Define and Identify the Field of Agreements: Clearly articulate a Field of Agreements governing the Domain and its Commons.
  4. Continuous monitoring and assessment: Regularly monitor and assess the state of the commons, their capacity, and the needs of stakeholders and the environment, identifying areas in need of improvement or intervention.
  5. Develop a shared vision and story: Facilitate a participatory process where stakeholders create a shared vision and story for the long-term health, sustainability, and equitable use of the commons.
  6. Establish rules and responsibilities: Collaboratively develop clear, fair, and enforceable rules for access, use, and management of the commons, along with well-defined roles and responsibilities for stakeholders.
  7. Collaborative planning and decision-making: Involve citizens and voluntary associations in the planning and decision-making processes related to stewardship and improvement of the commons within each domain of responsibility and authority.
  8. Implement monitoring and enforcement: Set up monitoring systems to track the condition of the commons and enforce compliance with the established rules. Ensure transparency and accountability in enforcement actions.
  9. Resource mobilization: Mobilize resources, including voluntary contributions and shared resources, to support the improvement and stewardship of the commons.
  10. Create conflict resolution mechanisms: Establish processes for addressing disputes and conflicts among stakeholders, promoting dialogue and collaborative problem-solving.
  11. Encourage participation: Foster a culture of active participation from citizens, voluntary associations, and other stakeholders in the stewardship process.
  12. Celebrating successes: Recognize and celebrate successes in the stewardship and improvement of the commons, reinforcing a culture of collective responsibility and accomplishment.
  13. Pass Vital Resources Up the Levels of Abstraction: Identify what vital resources may be of service to other Domains, and pass them up the levels of abstraction so they can be curated and cross-pollinated throughout the System.
  14. Continuous learning and improvement: Share knowledge, best practices, and lessons learned among stakeholders to continuously improve the management, regenerativity, and abundance of the commons.

Resulting Context: The commons are effectively stewarded, improved, and regenerated for the benefit of current and future generations, contributing to the overall resilience and adaptability of the Community and Environment at every fractal level. This pattern fosters a culture of continuous learning, innovation, and shared responsibility, ensuring that the commons remain vital and regenerative resources for the well-being of society and the environment.

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