Activity, involving effort, done to progressively achieve a result / Goal.
To effectively engage in such activity.
The Energy transferred, via the application of Force, along a displacement / vector.
Work requires the transfer of Energy via the application of Force along a Vector towards an Aim.
In the Lionsberg System, Work and our Way of Doing is not seen as a curse, but rather as the meaningful and upward opportunity to become Co-Creators with One and All of the Best Possible Future for All.
Meaningful Work is the positive Way we develop our Selves and our Society.
The Work performed by the Group Of Groups is Aligned through the Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System so that it produces Value rather than Waste.
Pages that link to this page
- The Commander And The Soldier
- The Economic Case For IPD
- Lionsberg Time Currency
- Lionsberg Lexicon
- I.B. Purpose of the Lionsberg System of Work
- Energy and Commitment Based UBI
- Ephemeralization
- Everything Is A Project
- Lionsberg Constitution
- Being
- Doing
- Power
- Work
- 2.0 Program Development
- 1.15 Narrative Infrastructure
- Above - Wellbeing
- Above The Chaos, April 2024 Above The Chaos Tour Findings
- Above The Chaos, Co-Creating The Conditions For a New Sovereignty To Emerge
- Above The Chaos, Culture, Onboarding, Training, and Development
- Above The Chaos, How To Design And Build A Better World, Part I
- Above The Chaos, The Lionsberg Motto
- Above The Chaos, We Have Work To Do
- Above The Chaos, Why I Am Risking Everything To Build Lionsberg In Service Of The Meta Project
- The Prophesy of Mondragon
- Day 6 - The Whisper Campaign - Truthful Harmony begins to Inbreak and Displace the Deceitful Cacophony
- Day 5 - The Phenomenal Calling - The Voice and Vision that Awakens
- 1.2 A Day Well Lived
- Pass The Flame - Illuminating the Way Beyond the Meta Crisis
- 11.40 Worksite Earth
- 11.54 Integrated Program Delivery
- 11.60 The Path Towards The Goal
- Meditation 577
- Meditation 578
- Meditation 506
- Meditation 445
- Meditation 496
- Meditation 497
- Meditation 498
- Meditation 499
- Meditation 331
- Meditation 306
- Meditation 247
- Lionsberg Co-Creator's Handbook (v.0.1)
- The Lionsberg Handbook
- 1.3 What is Power?
- 1.5 One Hour a Day
- 2.7 The Gift of a Practice
- 1.3 The Way
- Our Shared Mission and Goal
- 11. Spending Energy
- 4. The All
- 9. Spending Time