The Commander And The Soldier

At a crucial moment in The Great Battle for the future of Life and Society, the Commander of the Forces of Good issued Guidance.

The Commander's Intent was communicated far and wide, describing the Purpose of the Mission, and the Conditions of Satisfaction that characterized the desired Endstate.

"Above All, ensure that every Means you employ is entirely consistent with the End we must bring about."

A few weeks later, the Commander was making his rounds throughout world, to see how the Battle was advancing.

He approached a small town, where a Century of warriors was at Work.

As he observed their Pattern Of Action, he grew deeply concerned.

He approached one of the Warriors.

"What are you doing?", he inquired.

"We are preparing to attack this village."

"No, what are you individually doing?"

"I am leveling this piece of ground, so that a Weapon can be mounted here."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because I was told to."

"By who?"

"By the person you put in charge of this Company."

"Did you not read the Commander's Intent?"

"Yes, I read it."

"Did you not understand it?"

"I think I understood it".

"So do you think this is the Wise Right Thing to Do to accomplish The Goal?"


"So do you think this is what I would want done?"


"Do you think this is what One would want done?"


"So why are you doing it?"

"Because I was afraid of the one you put in charge."

The Commander sighed and looked discouraged.

"Do you still not understand? You are free now. You are no longer bound by the rules and false hierarchies of the Old World. There is only One you should fear and obey. Until there is only One that we All Ultimately Fear and Obey, it will not be possible to win The Great Battle."

"Now stand on the level ground you have created, and resist with all your might any attempt of this Century to violate what you know in your soul to be the Commander's Intent. I will stand with you, and I will deal with false leader who has set himself up in opposition to the Will and Intention of the One, and who is ordering others to do the same. As you stand and refuse to the orders, I suspect that the vast majority of the Century will stand with you. Be strong. Be courageous. And do whatever is in your power to bring this Century back into Harmony the Perfect Will and Authority of the One. Whatever happens, be willing to die or be excommunicated by this Century before you sacrifice your own Integrity by adding your energy and strength to the mutiny of this false leader."

"The Great Battle is not against an enemy that is "out there". As you can see, winning The Great Battle requires first winning the battle within. The battle for our own souls, our own integrity, our own coherence."

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