Above The Chaos, National Mottos, and the Lionsberg Motto
The there is a page on Wikipedia entitled List of National Mottos.
It is a fascinating glimpse into what in our inspirational and founding moments we, the Citizens of Earth, have said we value or aspire to.
As a provisional Lionsberg Motto, we have selected:
One Citizenship, Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.
This captures the highest values and aspirations, and speaks to the diverse-yet-indivisible unity under God that is the basis of every other value.
Among other sovereignties, the most common themes are:
Current sovereign countries
Afghanistan: There is no god but God; Muhammad is the messenger of God
Albania: You, Albania, give me honour, give me the name Albanian
Algeria: By the people and for the people
Andorra: Strength united is stronger
Angola: Virtue is stronger when united
Antigua and Barbuda: Each endeavouring, all achieving
Argentina: In Union and Liberty
Armenia: One Nation, One Culture
Australia: No official motto. Formerly Advance Australia.
Austria: No official motto.
Azerbaijan: No official motto
Bahamas: Forward, Upward, Onward Together
Bahrain: No official motto.
Bangladesh: No official motto.
Barbados: Pride and Industry
Belarus: No official motto.
Belgium: Unity makes strength
Belize: Under the shade I flourish
Benin: Fellowship, Justice, Labour
Bhutan: No official motto.
Bolivia: Unity makes strength
Bosnia and Herzegovina: No official motto.
Botswana: Rain
Brazil: Order and progress
Brunei: Always in service with God's guidance
Bulgaria: Unity Makes Strength
Burkina Faso: Unity, Progress, Justice
Burundi: Unity, Work, Progress
Cambodia: Nation, Religion, King
Cameroon: Peace, Work, Fatherland
Canada: From sea to sea
Cape Verde: Unity, Work, Progress
Central African Republic: Unity, Dignity, Work
Chad: Unity, Work, Progress
Chile: Through Reason Or By Force
People's Republic of China: No official motto.
Republic of China (Taiwan): No official motto.
Colombia: Freedom and order
Comoros: Unity, Solidarity, Development
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Justice, Peace, Work
Republic of the Congo: Unity, Work, Progress
Costa Rica: No official motto; de facto motto: Always live work and peace!
Ivory Coast: Unity, Discipline, Labor
Croatia: No official motto. Unofficial motto: God and Croats
Cuba: Fatherland or death
Cyprus: No official motto
Czech Republic: Truth prevails
Denmark: No official motto.
Djibouti: Unity, Equality, Peace
Dominica: After God, the Earth
Dominican Republic: God, Fatherland, Liberty
East Timor: Unity, Action, and Progress
Ecuador: God, homeland, and freedom
Egypt: No official motto.
El Salvador: God, Union, Liberty
Equatorial Guinea: Unity, Peace, Justice
Eritrea: Victory to the Masses!
Estonia: No official motto.
Eswatini: We are the fortress
Ethiopia: Currently no official motto. Formerly: Ethiopia holds up her hands unto God
Fiji: Fear God and honour the King
Finland: No official motto.
France: Liberty, equality, fraternity
Gabon: Union, Work, Justice
Gambia: Progress, Peace, Prosperity.
Georgia (country): Strength is in Unity!
Germany: No official motto, de facto: Unity and justice and freedom
Ghana: Freedom and Justice.
Greece: Freedom or Death
Grenada: Ever Conscious of God We Aspire, Build and Advance as One People.
Guatemala: Grow Free and Fertile
Guinea: Work, Justice, Solidarity
Guinea-Bissau: Unity, Struggle, Progress
Guyana: One People, One Nation, One Destiny.
Haiti: Liberty, equality, fraternity
Honduras: Free, sovereign and independent
Hungary: Currently no official motto. Formerly _With the help of God for Homeland and Freedom
Iceland: No official motto.
India: Truth alone triumphs
Indonesia: Unity in diversity
Iran: God is the Greatest
Iraq: God is the Greatest
Ireland: No official motto.
Israel: No official motto. Unofficial: If you will it, it is no dream
Italy: No official motto.
Jamaica: _Out of many, One People
Japan: No official motto.
Jordan: God, Homeland, King
Kazakhstan: Freedom, Unity, Progress!
Kenya: All pull together
Kiribati: Health, Peace and Prosperity
North Korea: No official motto.
South Korea: No official motto. De facto motto: To broadly benefit the human world
Kosovo: No official motto.
Kuwait: God, The Nation, The Emir
Kyrgyzstan: No official motto.
Laos: Peace, independence, democracy, unity and prosperity
Lebanon: _We are all for the Country, the Sublime and the Flag
Lesotho: Peace, Rain, Prosperity
Liberia: _The love of liberty brought us here
Libya: No official motto.
Liechtenstein: For God, Prince and Fatherland
Lithuania: No official motto, Freedom, Unity, Prosperity
Luxembourg: We wish to remain what we are
Madagascar: Love, Ancestral-land, Progress
Malawi: Unity and Freedom.
Malaysia: Unity is strength
Maldives: State of the Mahal Dibiyat
Mali: One people, one goal, one faith
Malta: Strength and consistency
Marshall Islands: Accomplishment/Achievement through Joint Effort
Mauritania: Honor, Fraternity, Justice
Mauritius: Star and key of the Indian Ocean
Mexico: No official motto
Federated States of Micronesia: Peace, Unity, Liberty.
Moldova: No official motto.
Monaco: With God's help
Mongolia: No official motto.
Montenegro: No official motto.
Morocco: God, the Country, the King
Mozambique: No official motto.
Myanmar: Currently no official motto. Formerly: Happiness through harmony
Namibia: Unity, liberty, justice
Nauru: God's will first
**[Nepal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nepal "Nepal")**: _Mother and motherland are greater than heaven_
Netherlands: I will maintain
New Zealand: No official motto, formerly _Onward
Nicaragua: In God We Trust
Niger: Fraternity, Work, Progress
Nigeria: Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress.
Northern Cyprus: No official motto.
North Macedonia: No official motto.
Norway: No official motto.
Oman: No official national motto.
Pakistan: Faith, Unity, Discipline
Palau: No official national motto.
Palestine: No official motto, Unofficial: From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free
Panama: For the benefit of the world
Papua New Guinea: Unity in Diversity
Paraguay: Peace and justice
Peru: Steady and happy for the union _
Philippines: For God, for the people, for nature and for the country
Poland: No official motto.
Portugal: This is my blissful beloved homeland
Qatar: No official motto.
Romania: No official motto. Formerly Nothing without God
Russia: No official motto.
Rwanda: Unity, Work, Patriotism
Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic: Liberty, Democracy, Unity
Saint Kitts and Nevis: Country Above Self
Saint Lucia: The land, the people, the light
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Peace and justice
San Marino: Liberty
São Tomé and Príncipe: Unity, Discipline, Work
Saudi Arabia: _There is no God other than God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God
Senegal: One people, one goal, one faith
Serbia: No official motto. Unofficial: _Only Unity Saves the Serbs
Seychelles: The end crowns the work
Sierra Leone: Unity, freedom, justice
Singapore: Onward Singapore
Slovakia: Currently no official motto. Formerly (1939–1945) Faithful to Ourselves, Together Ahead!
Slovenia: No official motto.
Solomon Islands: To lead is to serve
Somalia: No official motto.
South Africa: Diverse people unite or Unity in Diversity
South Sudan: Justice, Liberty, Prosperity
Spain: Further beyond
Sri Lanka: No official motto.
Sudan: Victory is Ours
Suriname: Justice, piety, loyalty
Sweden: No official national motto.
Switzerland: No official motto. Unofficial: One for all, all for one
Syria: Unity, Freedom, Socialism
Tajikistan: Independence, Freedom, Homeland!
Tanzania: Freedom and Unity
Thailand: No official motto. Unofficial: Nation, Religion, King
Togo: Work, liberty, homeland
Tonga: God and Tonga are my Inheritance
Trinidad and Tobago: Together we aspire, together we achieve.
Tunisia: Freedom, Order, Justice
Turkey: No official motto. Motto of the Parliament of Turkey: _Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the People
Turkmenistan: Turkmenistan is the motherland of Neutrality
Tuvalu: Tuvalu for the Almighty
Uganda: For God and My Country
Ukraine: No official motto.
United Arab Emirates: God, Nation, President
United Kingdom: No official motto. Sovereign's motto: Dieu et mon droit (French: God and my right)
United States: In God We Trust (official), E Pluribus Unum (Latin: Out of many, one), (de facto).
Uruguay: Liberty or Death
Uzbekistan: The Strength is in The Justice!
Vanuatu: In God we stand
**[Vatican City](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vatican_City "Vatican City")**: No official motto.
Venezuela: Currently no official motto. Historical: God and Federation
Vietnam: Independence, Liberty, Happiness
Yemen: God, Homeland, Revolution, Unity
Zambia: One Zambia, One Nation
Zimbabwe: Unity, Freedom, Work