The Starting Point

Self-Evident Need To Move

As the existing structures of society reveal their inability to meet the present challenges and opportunities facing us, we are moving in response to the self-evident need for sovereign individuals, organizations, and communities to collaborate in some kind of higher order functional unity that might actually be capable of meeting the needs, solving the problems, and capturing the opportunities inherent in this unique moment in history.


Our Vision is a properly ordered future in which all individuals, groups, and communities are helping one another rise towards the fullness of their potential and flourish in harmony.

For a more articulated version of what this might look, smell, and feel like, see Best Possible Future.


After bringing together lifetimes of preparation, process and infrastructure, in ~2021 we began with a series of social experiments, through which we learned that it would not be possible to accomplish the Meta Project in the abstract, or within any one group.

We therefore resolved to connect and empower an Optimally Decentralized Force For Good, starting with The First Three Percent, beginning with a minimum viable:

  1. Identity
  2. Structure / Container
  3. Aim / Goal
  4. System of Governance
  5. Infrastructure and Technology Platform
  6. Set of Conditions to Facilitate Emergence

By Spring 2024, the infrastructure and conditions appeared sufficient to support the emergence of a more structured movement.

Our near term Mission is to serve, connect, empower, and align a distributed Group Of Groups / Team of Teams advancing towards The Goal, starting with The First Three Percent.

A Progression Towards Oneness Through Love

The Group Of Groups will need to progress through a series of developmental phases before it can Co-Operate as one.

These may be something like:

  1. Awareness
  2. Intention
  3. Communication
  4. Relationship
  5. Mutual Aid
  6. Collaboration
  7. Integration
  8. Co-Operation
  9. Higher Order Functional Unity - One Body and Mind

Each of these stages requires a System and Infrastructure to support it, before we can advance to the next stage.

Next Learning Exploration

Having closed The 7 Year Window of Preparatory Work and Learning and opened the 10 Year Grand Strategy in March 2024, The Invitation is now circulating to invite a growing network of Lionsberg Co-Creators to explore how we can unite as One Body and help one another Progress towards The Goal.