8.65 Whose Vision? Whose Plan? Whose System?

Most of us are unaware whose Vision, Plan, and System we are progressively bringing into Reality.

What is the job or position you serve? What team does that position serve? What division does that team serve? What organization does that division serve? What industry(s) does that organization serve? What system or philosophy do those industries serve? What intention does that system or philosophy serve?

What is the end result of the logic of the entire field of energy and manifestation you are empowering with your Being and Doing?

If the entire world joined in with you in your labor, and pushed it rapidly towards its logical end, what would the result be?

Is the underlying Pattern Regenerative? Does it help All Life Flourish in Harmony?

Very few of us have actually taken Authority over our lives and Creative Consciousness, and integrated them fully to express the Intention, Will and Purpose of the One.

Most of us are still asleep in the Matrix, unconsciously bringing into existence and perpetuating the elements of a system we don’t understand. We have no idea that we are the Co-Creators and Co-Sustainers of a world of suffering and alienation for ourselves and future generations.

We have no idea that we are literally consuming and destroying ourselves and our children.

We are asleep and enslaved within a machine of someone else’s making, bringing into existence someone else’s misaligned intention, therefore logically and inextricably perpetuating and bringing into existence the long-term suffering of All for the short-term and fleeting benefit of a veiled few.

It is unwise to trade Eternal Flourishing for the kind of Temporal Pleasure that results in Eternal Suffering. It is the worst possible decision we could make. And yet that is exactly what we are doing.

Sleepwalking through a fog of fear and desire, we ceaselessly labor in return for the feeble sum of Money that the system allows us, and to escape the suffering it threatens us with, so that we can buy the goods and lifestyle the system advertises to us, which is not what we actually want or were created for.

This is akin to eking out survival as Employee Consumer Slaves. Helplessly asleep in an overwhelming and overpowering Matrix that is slowly destroying us and the world.

We were created for so much more. You were created for so much more.

There is more inside of you than you could possibly know.

Its time to wake up!

Left Off Here

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