10.33 The Total Nested Hierarchy Of Sovereignties

In our design of the New World, everything, like in nature, operates consistently, from highest level concept, to lowest level detail, in accordance with the Logos and the Universal Law.

The end result of increasingly higher order levels of organization does not need to be the creation of several powerful empires who torment and oppress the poor localities outside of their gates, and wage world war. That was the end of the Old World.

The end result can be the highest order form of human organization possible, which is the voluntary association of all sovereign beings, in right relationship with One, One Another, and All, with sovereignty properly defined and protected at every fractal level of voluntary association, flowing from and returning to One.

The New World is not created through the arbitrary “nation state” level of the Old World hastily defined in response to political power and world war. That was a temporary illusion.

The New World is created through the completion of the fractal logic, applied all the way out to the proper organization, coordination, and alignment of the total set of all sovereign localities in voluntary right relationship with one another, helping and not harming one another as all things help all things rise towards The Goal.

This is the Total Nested Hierarchy of Sovereignties we must grapple with.

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