Because the proper functioning of a human being is dependent on the health of both the human cells, and the hundreds of other species co-inhabitating the human body, and the Living System that permeates and contains it, and its Consciousness…
...and because the waters of the earth are all connected…
...and the air of the earth is all connected…
...and the microbiome of the earth is all connected…
...and the Energy of the earth is all connected…
...and because these ingredients flow upward through the building blocks of structure into increasingly larger and more complex organisms and superorganisms…
...and because our health and Life is derived from the health and life of the organisms we eat, and the health of the sub-structures and microorganisms within and upon them…
...and because the health and life of the organism we eat and all its sub-organisms is derived from the health and life of the soil and the water and the air…
...and because the health and life of the soil and water is derived from their own diverse microbiomes that in turn permeate and sustain us…
...and because all coherent forms of Life borrow and then return their temporarily associative energy and elements to one Living System, which reuses them to generate New Life…
...and because all Energy and life flow from one Living System...
...and because one Living System flows from [One] [Source]…
There is only one Living System.. there is only one living Meta Organism… there is only one total Meta System...
Each form of life has a unique and important role to play in the Meta Organism / Meta System…
The Meta System is the highest order functional unity, encompassing the entire universe, which integrates all underlying forms of life, energy, and matter into a single functional Whole.
Humans are unique in that we possess the highest Creative Consciousness, and therefore are principle Conscious Agents in altering the experience that manifests across all generations of Life.
Possessing Creative Consciousness, we are Co-Creators of the one specific Reality that unfolds from the Total Set Of All Potential Future Realities.
It is through properly identifying with the Spirit that properly orders the Universe and creates and sustains life, that we can become competent, coherent constituent elements of the infinite and eternally regenerative Living System.
Forward to 7.36 One Living System
Back to 7.34 Co-Operative Superorganisms
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