7.34 Co-Operative Superorganisms

Superorganisms are capable in turn of self-organizing and collaborating in groups to perform higher order functions at various fractal levels of organization.

Individual humans can self-organize and collaborate as groups of humans that perform similar tasks.

These might be called (something like) Guilds.

Guilds can contribute skilled individuals to Cross-Disciplinary Teams to perform higher order functions than a Guild can perform in isolation.

Guilds and Cross-Disciplinary Teams in turn can self-organize and collaborate as "super-teams" / "teams of teams" operating within an Organization to perform higher order functions than a team can perform in isolation.

This Organization, like the Organisms composing it, is itself a living Organism.

Organizations in turn can self-organize and collaborate into "super-organizations" / "organizations of organizations" to perform higher order functions than an organization can perform in isolation.

Individuals and organizations in turn can self-organize and collaborate as Communities to perform higher order functions than individuals and super-organizations can perform in isolation.

Communities can self-organize and collaborate as "super-communities" / "communities of communities" to perform higher order functions than communities can perform in isolation.

The upper limit to which communities can self-organize into counties, states, nations, and super-nations is unknown, however it is logically evident that in the same way warring city states eventually associated into higher order systems to the benefit of all, the pinnacle of human Co-Operative Superorganisms would be the entire human species, self-organized into a functional and coherent Whole Human System, in the same way that individual cells organize themselves into a functional and coherent body.

And a step beyond that, the Human System, self-organized and reintegrated in service the Whole Living System that contains it.

And a step beyond that, the Human System and Living System reintegrated in service of One.

The beginning and the end, after we pass through All, is always One.

This is not a new idea. It is what the sages and prophets have been trying to tell us for years. We are one, and therefore we ought to become one. We are one, and therefore we would be wise to Act As If we were one.

Not only one Human Species, but one Living System, one with Nature, one with All, becoming one with One.

The functional unity of the human species is not the highest level up the hierarchy of structure.

Of the small fraction of the mass-energy of the Universe we can measure, our entire solar system makes up approximately (none / not enough room for zeroes) of it.

Of this inconsequentially small amount of mass-energy within our solar system, the star around which our planet orbits accounts for 99.9%.

Of the remaining inconsequentially small amount of mass-energy of our solar system, the four giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) account for 99%.

All the remaining four terrestrial planets, plus the dwarf planets, moon, comets, and asteroids account for less than 0.002% of the mass-energy of the inconsequentially small amount of mass-energy in our solar system.

One of these four terrestrial planets is earth.

Despite the soaring heights of the mightiest mountains, and the plunging depths of the deepest seas, if you shrunk the earth to a couple inches across it would feel smoother than a billiard ball.

Of all the biomass clinging to the smooth surface of this little vessel speeding through infinite space, everything other than human beings accounts for 99.999%.

Yet we, the human species that is perhaps 1/10,000 of the earth's biomass, shape its near-term destiny through our Creative Consciousness.

The Human System is a tiny living sub-system within the total Living System, yet we have an extraordinarily important role to play in guiding the total Whole towards its Goal.

And you, 1/8 billionth of that 1/10,000th have a unique and important role to play, because it is your Life, your Consciousness, your Metaphysical DNA, your thought, your words, your actions, and the Way your weave the fullness of your being into the fabric of Consciousness, Society, and the Living System that will determine whether the current human fabric of Consciousness is strong enough to pass its final exam and qualify our species for ongoing existence in flourishing and abundant world.

After whatever suffering and injustice the world must endure, it will go on. It will not die.

It is our Selves and all generations of Life currently aboard this vessel that we are working to save.

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