What binds us together as we embark on the universal Quest towards our Destiny?
Is it money and benefits? Currency flowing from the center, that keeps us bound in golden handcuffs, over-paid and under-resourced so we have no options and cannot go anywhere else, with our lifestyle built around the position and benefits that subordinate us to rule of others? Is it the allure and security of life as Employee Consumer Slaves in the corrupt hierarchies of the Old World?
No. We must be able to speak up. Speak Truth to power. Express our unique independence. Embody the Way of the One.
So what binds us together?
It is actual relationship. Actual purpose. Actual meaning. Actual culture. Genuine friendship. Genuine Right Relationship among All generations of life flowing from the One Source.
What binds us together is not authority. It is not compulsion. It is not fear. It is not allegiance to the flag of any empire, oligarchy, or brand.
It is the universal and eternal Spirit. It is the universal and eternal Way. It is the universal and eternal One.
It is the One.
One is by definition the only thing that can bind us All together.
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