We were meant to be Sovereign. We were meant to be Free. Rulers of our own Souls. Captains of our own ships. Co-Creators of our own Destiny and world.
And yet we were not meant to be alone.
What good is it to be Sovereign, Free, and suffering alone in the desert?
It does not take human beings long to discover that they have inherent needs, which would be easier to meet in family.
It does not take families long to discover that they have inherent needs, which would be easier to meet in community.
It does not take communities long to discover that they have inherent needs, which would be easier to meet in Meta Community.
Freedom, Agency, and Sovereignty naturally lead towards the desire to move away from Where We Are towards something Better, which requires Higher Order Functional Unity among a Community.
Having individuated and differentiated our Selves, we must then begin to reintegrate our Selves.
In a family.
In an organization.
In a community.
In a tribe.
In a nation.
In the Meta Nation.
And each of those levels of analysis and order must be stacked up and aligned, so that the Whole can flourish.
Forward to 10.2 Sovereignty Leads To Action, Action Leads To Community
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