Sacred texts like the Bible do something absolutely amazing.
They tell us Limit Stories that push us to the conceptual Absolute, and then invite us to adopt the Limit Story as our own.
This is exactly the same idea as Choosing A Worthy Aim. If we are going to Consciously Generate an array of stories, Consciously Evaluate them, and Consciously Decide which one of them we are going to Aim to Enact and Embody...
...there is only One possible thing we should Aim at, and that is the Best And Highest One.
The Best And Highest One is the Limit Story. The Best And Highest One is our Aim. The Best And Highest One is our Goal.
In the Bible, the limit story of Being is God, the limit story of Doing is the Kingdom Of God, and the limit story of suffering and triumph as the embodiment of the Spirit of God on earth is the story of the messiah.
If we are going to Aim at Being something, the only ethical Aim is to be perfect, as God is perfect. This is why Jesus spoke the famous words "Be ye perfect therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect."
If we are going to Aim at Doing something, the only ethical Aim is to do the perfect will and intention of God, on earth as it is in heaven, which is the Kingdom Of God, on earth as it is in heaven. This is why Jesus spoke the famous words "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you."
You cannot push the stories any further than the Incarnation of Realization of Absolute perfection, on earth as it is in heaven.
And the strange thing is, as imperfect as we presently are, you and I are invited to share in this perfection, and in the co-creation of the Best Possible Future for All.
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