Above The Chaos, Rediscovering the Kingdom of God Beyond Religion

By Jordan Nicholas Sukut, 2024.01.25 (updated 2024.01.25)

A post in Above The Chaos

Once we Rediscover God Beyond Religion and Rediscover Christ Beyond Religion, we can begin to rediscover the Kingdom of God beyond religion.

When I say that our Mission, and the only Solution, is the Kingdom of God, I am again speaking definitionally, not religiously.

Theologically, philosophically, psychologically, socially, and politically, there is a choice between viewing the Configuration Space as a dis-integrated Plurality, or through the lens of an Ultimate Unity.

Again, by definition, the Ultimate Unity that integrates the Plurality at the Deepest level is God. The One that integrates, orders, and coheres the All within Itself.

When it comes to the issue of Power and Authority, we discover that the Way to rightly relate to the One is on the basis of the Ultimately Benevolent Kingship of God.

We then discover that the Ultimate Sovereignty extant in God at the Unified Top of the Total Nested Hierarchy of Sovereignties flows directionally in an important Way that establishes Sovereignty at every level, from God directly to the Individual And Local, and then up through each level of Voluntary Association on the basis of Free Will and ongoing Voluntary Consent.

This crucially places each higher level of aggregated Power in service to the more automatized constituents that voluntarily consent to its aggregation and exercise, with the end logic that the greatest in the Kingdom shall be the servant of All. It also creates the affirmative responsibility and authority of the All to progressively transform and conform any power or authority that is not serving them and God.

In addition to reversing the Flow of Power and Authority on Earth to rise form the Bottom Up on the basis of Voluntary Consent, the Kingdom of God further requires that all Power and Authority on Earth voluntarily integrate, cohere, and harmonize itself within the Highest Order Uniting Framework of All in service of One.

This solidifies the Highest Intention and Greatest Good as the supreme objective, requiring all power and authority on Earth to collaborate to empower All Creation to progress together towards The Goal, which can be articulated as something like *the total integrated wellbeing, development, and right relationship of All life and consciousness..

The end result is decentralized self-governance according to the law of subsidiarity, voluntarily stacked up and aligned into a Highest Order Functional Unity actually capable of manifesting the Will and Intention of God On Earth As it Is In Heaven.

The post Above The Chaos, Sovereignty At Every Level goes deeper into the logic.

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