Your Team

In order to succeed and avoid failure on Your Quest, You are going to need to Forge Or Join A Team so that you can accomplish things You are not capable of in isolation.

You will then need to Organize and Federate Your Team with the emergent Team of Teams in order to do things together that Your Team is not capable of doing in isolation.

Your Team (or Teams) if You join multiple teams, will be the core unit(s) through which things get done.

We would recommend that You follow the principles outlined in Organizations The Lionsberg Way as Your Team Co-Creates itself.

Remember, the entire Lionsberg System is designed to function as an Integrated Whole, so there may be elements of the System that You haven't thought through yet that You may discover are important later.

So We strongly encourage All to follow the Standards Of Interoperability that allow the Whole to emerge and function properly.

Team of Teams
Group Of Groups
Community of Communities Superlative of Superlatives