Right Questions

The Right Questions are the Deep questions, the Wise questions, the Spiritual questions.

They are gifts that keep on giving. They exist not to be answered and then put away, but to be continually asked.

Some of the Right Questions to ask our Selves might be:

  1. "What is the Intention?"
  2. “Who am I?”
  3. “Who am I becoming?”
  4. "Where am I?"
  5. "Why am I here?"
  6. "How did I get here?"
  7. "Where am I going?"
  8. "What is my Aim?"
  9. "Why?"
  10. “Who or what is creating and sustaining my Life and Consciousness?”
  11. “Who or what is creating and sustaining the universe?”
  12. “Is the Source and Sustainer at least as Conscious as I am”?
  13. “Does the Source and Sustainer think? Does It have anything in Mind?”
  14. "Does the Source and Sustainer have an Intention or Goal?"
  15. “What is the Source and Sustainer thinking? What is It saying?”
  16. “To whom is the One speaking?”
  17. “What is the meaning, purpose, and destiny of Life?”
  18. “What is the meaning, purpose, and destiny of my life?”
  19. “Who are we?”
  20. “Where are we?”
  21. “Why are we here?”
  22. “How did we get here?”
  23. "Where are we going?"
  24. "What is our Aim?"
  25. "Why?"
  26. “Why is there all this sickness, disease, corruption, and suffering?”
  27. "Why is there all this Love, Joy, Goodness, and Wonder?"
  28. “What is my relationship to suffering and those who suffer?”
  29. “What is my relationship to those who consciously cause suffering?”
  30. “What is my relationship to structures of injustice?”
  31. “What is the meaning of this?”
  32. "What is the energy of this?"
  33. "What is the spirit of this?"
  34. "Who must I become in order to become a Co-Creator of the Best Possible Future for All?"
  35. "How are we as a human species Co-Operating the SpatioTemporal Domain we call Earth?"

See also Journaling Questions.