3.11 The Lowest and the Worst Possible Future

As unpleasant as it may be, there is another potential that we must fearlessly stare into.

And that is the Reality that while it is possible to rise, out of all potential Futures, towards the Best and Highest one, it is also possible that we could descend towards the Worst and Lowest one.

If the Best Possible Future is something like Heaven on Earth, what does Hell on Earth look like?

Really allow Your Mind to go there, and to stare into the darkness.

What have some of the darkest and most heinous experiences of humanity through history been?

What kinds of behaviors or patterns led to those hellish places, and what would happen if those tendencies were amplified by even greater energy and power?

What are your own personal Patterns of Death, that if accentuated and applied continuously would lead towards your demise?

Understanding what You and humanity are capable of, what kind of Lowest and Worst future could we move towards if we allowed our basest instincts to take over and propel us there?

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