3.25 Complacency

The awakening will happen in waves that lead up to a Tipping Point.

At each stage, there will be those who are still asleep, blind, and deaf, chattering away in their Caves.

We, in the meantime, will be awake, recognizing the moral imperative of each and every waking moment.

Once we have awakened, once we have seen, once we understand, we have no choice but to embark immediately, to advance away from suffering and towards the Goal, and to liberate and help All Beings advance with us.

Among those who awake enough to choose, especially the Authorities, many people will be far too complacent, comfortable, and attached to their Old lives and positions to take the risk of untying themselves from the dock of the Old to brave the great seas of adventure and uncertainty.

They will remain asleep and unconscious in a failing system of scarcity, bondage and exploitation that is consuming itself and growing sicker with each passing day, vaguely prodded on by fear, aversion, craving, and the whips of the Authorities they have subordinated and enslaved themselves to.

They will not risk embarking on a journey of transformation until _the pain they are experiencing is greater than the perceived pain of change. #principle

Believe me, that day will come to them.

It is far better to choose the pain of transformation voluntarily than to have it thrust upon you. #principle

If we all wait until the pain is so acute we are forced to transform, we are sentencing ourselves and generations of life to come to unimaginable suffering in the dystopia that would be left behind by our Failure and lack of Courage.

The quantum adjustment or Phase Change in our complex adaptive system is coming. Humanity will eventually get the message and understand that Mother Earth and her Source will not allow their children to be raped, corrupted, and exploited forever. It is up to us whether we voluntarily Turn Around, seek Forgiveness, and put ourselves back in service of Life and its Source, or whether we insist upon hardening our hearts against Being, and thereby bring upon ourselves the suffering and death that accompanies the proverbial flood.

The moment we awaken and see that we are in a building that is on fire, we must move with the full force of our beings to transform the situation.

Calling all sovereigns. It is time to arise, unite, and embark on an epic Quest towards the Goal for the Good of All.

The complacency of fools will destroy them.

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