Levels of Participation

In the Lionsberg System, there are different levels of participation depending on level of engagement and commitment. These levels include Observer, Supporter, Participant, Member, Citizen, and Steward. These levels are tied out to the deeper governance and stewardship systems of The Movement and The Lionsberg Community.

  1. Observer: Observers are individuals who are interested in Lionsberg but have not yet committed to participating actively. They may attend events, read about Lionsberg online, or follow along with progress, but they have not yet taken any action to become more involved.

  2. Supporter: Supporters are individuals who actively support the mission, values, and progress of Lionsberg but are not yet fully engaged as participants. They may provide financial support or volunteer their time to help promote Lionsberg and Spread The Word, but they do not take an active role.

  3. Participant: Participants are individuals who are actively engaged in one or more levels of participation within Lionsberg. They collaborate with others, share their skills and knowledge, and contribute to the co-creation of a more harmonious, just, and prosperous future.

  4. Member: Members are individuals who are more deeply and structurally connected to Lionsberg. They work closely with others in the Community to co-create solutions that address the specific challenges and opportunities they face, and make consistent and meaningful contributions to the Movement.

  5. Citizen: After 2 -3 years of active membership, members can become eligible to apply for Citizenship in Lionsberg. Citizens are individuals who are fully committed to Lionsberg's overall vision, mission and values and are actively engaged in co-creating a better future across multiple levels of participation. They seek to make positive changes within their families, their local communities, their nation, and the world. They actively work to promote cooperation, collaboration, and co-creation. Citizens have deeper Rights and Responsibilities within Lionsberg arising from their long-term committed relationship to the community.

  6. Steward: Stewards are individuals who have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of our shared mission and values. They are committed to creating a more harmonious, just, and regenerative future for All, and are responsible for guidance and navigation of the Movement and Community at higher levels of abstraction. They use their skills, knowledge, and resources to actively promote and facilitate participation and community building at all fractal levels, while guiding and navigating the Lionsberg Community towards The Goal.

By engaging in clearly defined levels while advancing towards ever More Meaningful Participation, Responsibility, and Stewardship, participants in Lionsberg can contribute to the co-creation of a more harmonious, unified, and prosperous future for All. Whether as an Observer, Supporter, Participant, Member, Citizen, or Steward, everyone has a role to play in our collective effort to co-create a brighter future.