16.7 A Vision of the New Earth

I looked, and I saw a Vision of a flourishing, abundant, diverse, vibrant and free New World. It was a world of Shalom.

  1. Spirituality: The New World embraces a wise and holistic approach to spirituality, acknowledging the interconnectedness and sacredness of all life, the universe, and God. Spiritual and religious practices foster inner peace, purpose, connection, and right relationship, encouraging individuals to explore their deepest convictions and values. Spiritual growth and development are nurtured, empowering people to cultivate love, empathy, compassion, and understanding for others and the world. All tribes, nations, and peoples discover what it means to be One Citizenship, Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice For All.

  2. Inclusive Governance: In the New World, governance systems are transparent, participatory, and founded on liberty and justice for All. Governments prioritize the long-term well-being of the citizens and environment they serve, actively collaborating across borders and boundaries to address local and global challenges. Citizens are empowered to contribute their diverse perspectives, creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation that facilitates innovative solutions to pressing issues.

  3. Circular Economy: The New World economy operates on the principles of regeneration and sustainability. Emphasizing the minimization of waste, promotion of renewable resources, reuse of existing resources, and nurturing of local industries, the circular economy supports the well-being of communities and the planet in a way that adds regenerative capacity to each subsequent generation. Businesses and citizens alike prioritize social and environmental responsibilities, fostering a culture of shared prosperity that benefits all.

  4. Universal Lifelong Learning and Skill Development: In the New World, lifelong learning and skill development opportunities are accessible to all members of society, regardless of background or circumstance. A holistic approach supports the complete development of individuals, with curricula that blend traditional subjects with project based learning and vital life skills, such as emotional intelligence, environmental stewardship, vocational training, and creative problem-solving. Flexible and accessible educational opportunities support personal and professional growth throughout life. This comprehensive education system cultivates critical thinkers and compassionate citizens who contribute meaningfully and positively to their community and world.

  5. Global Collaboration: In the New World, tribes and nations work together in the spirit of unity, embracing their shared responsibility to address global challenges. International cooperation transcends borders and fosters cross-cultural understanding, leading to innovative solutions that benefit all of humanity and the planet in ways that no tribe or nation could achieve in isolation.

  6. Universal Wellness: Access to high-quality lifelong health and wellness care is available to all in the New World. Comprehensive and holistic wellness systems prioritize prevention, holistic wellness, and universal access to high quality services, ensuring that all individuals can lead healthy, fulfilling lives.

  7. Empowered Communities: The New World values strong, resilient local communities where free and empowered citizens actively participate in shaping their local environments and future. Neighborhoods are designed to encourage social interaction, shared resources, and regenerative living, fostering a sense of belonging and interconnectedness among residents.

  8. Regenerative Agriculture: In the New World, agriculture systems prioritize regenerative practices, promoting biodiversity and soil health while minimizing negative impacts and building the vitality of the environment over time. Locally sourced, organic, and nutrient-dense food is available to all, ensuring that all families are nourished, communities have food sovereignty, rural livelihoods are cultivated and respected, and ecosystems are protected and nurtured for future generations.

  9. Clean Energy: The New World is powered by renewable energy sources, significantly reducing pollution and fostering a regenerative relationship with the planet. After a bridge period utilizing modular nuclear energy to secure the base load, innovations in solar, wind, gravitational, geothermal and other clean energy technologies propel society towards a regenerative, empowered and abundant future.

  10. Conscious Consumption and Production: In the New World, individuals make wise informed choices about the products and services they consume, understanding the long-term impact of their decisions on the environment and society. A culture of conscious consumption encourages responsible production practices and promotes the reduction of waste and resource depletion..

  11. Commitment Based Universal Basic Income: The communities of the New World adopt decentralized and localized programs of commitment based universal basic income, providing a safety net for all citizens, reducing socioeconomic inequality, and promoting creativity and opportunity for all. This financial foundation enables individuals to pursue their passions, contribute to their communities, and invest in their well-being, fostering a more just and compassionate society.

  12. Restorative Justice: In the New World, systems of justice prioritize healing, education and rehabilitation over punishment, fostering a culture of empathy, compassion, and understanding. Restorative justice practices address the root causes of crime and conflict, empowering individuals to learn from their mistakes and reintegrate into society as responsible citizens.

  13. Lifelong Learning: The New World embraces the concept of lifelong learning, recognizing that personal growth and development extend beyond traditional schooling. Opportunities for continued education and skill development are abundant, allowing individuals to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of life, work, and social and environmental stewardship.

  14. Decentralized Technology: In the New World, technology serves as a tool for empowerment and connectivity. Decentralized systems promote privacy, autonomy, and transparency, ensuring that the benefits of technological advancements are shared justly and regeneratively among all members of society.

  15. Environmental Stewardship: The New World values the protection, restoration, and multi-generational stewardship of ecosystems, recognizing the intrinsic worth and interconnectedness of all living beings. Individuals and communities act as stewards of the environment, safeguarding their local environments and the planet for future generations.

  16. Cultural Preservation and Celebration: The New World cherishes, protects and celebrates its diverse cultural heritage, honoring the wisdom and traditions of its ancestors from all tribes, nations and peoples. Diverse communities celebrate their unique identities, fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect, understanding, and appreciation for the richness and creativity of human expression. Intercultural exchange and appreciation foster mutual understanding, empathy, and respect.

  17. Intergenerational stewardship: In the New World, the needs of both present and future generations are considered and wisely balanced in decision-making processes. This focus on intergenerational stewardship ensures that the well-being of future generations is not compromised by the short term needs and actions of today.

  18. Emotional Intelligence: The New World cultivates emotional intelligence in its citizens, teaching individuals to recognize, understand, and manage their emotions effectively. This fosters greater empathy and understanding among people, leading to stronger, more compassionate relationships and communities, and a reduction in conflict.

  19. Art and Creativity: The New World embraces the transformative power of art and creativity, celebrating the unique expressions of human imagination. Creative pursuits are valued and encouraged, allowing individuals to explore their passions, cultivate their talents, and contribute to a vibrant, diverse cultural landscape that inspires and uplifts all members of society.

  20. Mental Wellness: The New World recognizes the importance of mental health and actively supports the emotional well-being of its citizens. Accessible mental health resources and services, along with a culture that promotes open dialogue and destigmatizes mental health issues, create an environment in which individuals can thrive mentally and emotionally.

  21. Accessible Transportation: The New World prioritizes sustainable, efficient, and accessible transportation systems that connect communities, liberate citizens, and reduce reliance on unsustainable energy sources. Public transportation, cycling, and walking abound in flourishing communities, minimizing congestion, pollution, and contributing to healthy lifestyles.

  22. Ethical AI and Automation: In the New World, artificial intelligence and automation are developed and deployed ethically in service to One and All, prioritizing the well-being of all citizens and the environment across all generations, times, and places. These technologies are used to improve lives, alleviate poverty and suffering, and create new opportunities for meaningful human work, creativity, and connection.

  23. Animal Welfare: The New World treats animals with respect and compassion, recognizing their intrinsic value and interconnectedness within the Living System. Regenerative, local and humane practices in agriculture, wildlife conservation, and animal care reflect a deeper understanding of our relationship and interexistence with the natural world.

  24. Work-Life Balance: The New World values a healthy work-life balance, recognizing the importance of leisure, family, and personal development. Flexible arrangements, supportive social policies, and a focus on well-being help citizens engage in meaningful work they are passionate about, while contributing to a more fulfilled and balanced society.

  25. Biodiversity Conservation: The New World actively works to preserve and restore biodiversity, recognizing its essential role in maintaining a healthy, resilient, flourishing and beautiful Living System. Conservation efforts are guided by scientific knowledge and indigenous wisdom, ensuring the protection of vital ecosystems and the countless species they support.

  26. Conscious Media: In the New World, media serves to inform, inspire, and empower citizens, focusing on constructive storytelling that highlights solutions and fosters empathy and shared values. Truthful and ethical journalism and diverse representation in media create a more accurate and nuanced understanding of our complex world.

  27. Intentional Communities: The New World encourages the creation of intentional communities that embody shared values, goals, and aspirations. These communities serve as living laboratories, experimenting with innovative solutions for regenerative living, social harmony, and personal and community growth and transformation.

  28. Holistic Wellness: The New World embraces a holistic approach to wellness, recognizing the interconnectedness of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Individuals and communities prioritize holistic and integrated personal and community development and well-being, fostering a culture of balance, vitality, and resilience.

  29. Financial Systems: The New World cultivates a transformed financial system that serves the needs of all citizens and the environment. Ethical investment and resource allocation, decentralized local currencies, and cooperative banking and resourcing models prioritize social and ecological well-being, ensuring that financial resources are channeled towards regenerative and just initiatives that improve the community and world for current and future generations.

  30. Environmental Resilience: The New World proactively addresses the impacts of environmental changes, building resilience and adaptive capacity in communities and ecosystems. Comprehensive environmental policies and innovative solutions mitigate the worst effects of environmental changes, while also helping society transition towards a regenerative future.

  31. Intercultural Dialogue and Learning: The New World fosters intercultural dialogue, encouraging the exchange of ideas, experiences, and wisdom among diverse cultures. This open-minded approach promotes mutual understanding, respect, and cooperation, contributing to a more harmonious, inclusive, and understanding global community.

  32. Equality and Justice: The New World strives to ensure equal rights, opportunities, and representation for all, dismantling the societal barriers that perpetuate discrimination, inequality, and injustice. Equality and justice are woven into the fabric of all institutions, fostering a unified culture of fairness, respect, and dignity for all individuals across their full range of diversities.

  33. Regenerative Urban Planning: The New World prioritizes regenerative urban planning, creating and recreating cities that designed to help people and nature flourish in harmony. Walkable neighborhoods, green spaces, and efficient shared transportation systems encourage community interaction, promote well-being, and help reintegrate urban living into a flourishing social and natural environment.

  34. Conscious Parenting: The New World supports conscious and intentional parenting, recognizing the crucial role of parents in shaping the next generation. Parents and guardians are encouraged and supported in their efforts to forge long term, stable and committed families that nurture the integrated physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual growth of their children, fostering empathy, resilience, and curiosity.

  35. Regenerative Travel and Tourism: The New World promotes regenerative travel and tourism, encouraging cultural and economic exchange in a way that prioritizes the well-being and preservation of local communities, ecosystems, and cultural heritage.

  36. Waste Reduction and Management: The New World actively works towards reducing waste production and improving waste management practices. Recycling, composting, and waste-to-energy systems are widely implemented, while innovative solutions for waste reduction and repurposing are continually explored and adopted.

  37. Intergenerational Collaboration and Respect: The New World fosters intergenerational collaboration and respect, recognizing the unique contributions and perspectives of individuals across all ages. Mutual respect, understanding, and mentorship bridge the generational divide, promoting a thriving, inclusive society.

  38. Accessible, Affordable and Regenerative Housing: The New World helps systematically ensure that every individual and family has access to affordable and regenerative housing, ensuring that every individual has a safe, comfortable, and sustainable place to call home. Innovative housing solutions address diverse needs and preferences, while also promoting social cohesion, integrated community development, and ecological responsibility.

  39. Art, Music, and Cultural Expression: The New World values art, music, and cultural expression as vital components of a thriving society. Creative outlets are encouraged and celebrated, fostering a rich tapestry of diverse and imaginative contributions that inspire, uplift, and connect individuals and communities.

  40. Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy: The New World upholds the importance of cybersecurity and digital privacy, safeguarding the rights and well-being of individuals in an increasingly connected world. Robust data protection measures, transparent and consent-based policies, and responsible digital practices ensure that technology is harnessed for the benefit of all, and not used to harm or exploit.

  41. Digital Inclusion and Literacy: The New World ensures digital inclusion and literacy for all, providing widespread access to information and communication technologies and the skills to use them effectively. Bridging the digital divide empowers individuals to participate fully in the digital age, fostering innovation, collaboration, and socioeconomic justice.

  42. Renewable Energy Transition: The New World accelerates the transition to renewable energy sources, responsibly reducing dependence on fossil fuels and rapidly reducing pollution without causing harm the poor or a collapse of socioeconomic systems and supply chains. Innovative clean energy technologies are rapidly developed, deployed and widely adopted, providing reliable, affordable, and sustainable power for all.

  43. Consciousness and Inner Development: The New World encourages the transformation of consciousness and inner development, recognizing the essential role of self-awareness and integrated personal growth in fostering a harmonious and resilient society. Prayer, meditation, contemplative practices, and emotional intelligence are valued and cultivated, promoting inner peace, love, and creativity.

  44. Interoperable Localized Economies: The New World promotes interoperable localized economies, supporting a rich and emergent diversity of small businesses, cooperatives, and community-driven initiatives. Economic systems are designed to prioritize the well-being of people and the planet, fostering self-sufficiency, resilience, and social cohesion at the local level, which maintaining interoperability and exchange with other local economies regionally and around the world.

  45. Ecosystem Restoration: The New World prioritizes systematic and ongoing ecosystem restoration and regeneration, actively working to reverse the damage caused by deforestation, pollution, and habitat destruction. Large-scale reforestation, habitat restoration, and species reintroduction efforts support biodiversity, climate resilience, and flourishing and abundant life throughout the planet.

  46. Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding: The New World fosters a culture of nonviolence, empathy, and dialogue, promoting effective conflict resolution, reconciliation and peacebuilding efforts that stabilize society across time and space. By addressing the root causes of violence and conflict, and investing in preventive diplomacy and mutual aid to meet needs and solve problems proactively, nations work together to create a more harmonious, just, and peaceful world.

  47. Scientific and Technological Collaboration: The New World encourages local and global collaboration in science and technology, leveraging collective knowledge and resources to address pressing challenges and enhance human well-being. Open-source innovation, knowledge sharing, and international partnerships facilitate breakthroughs in medicine, regenerativity, and beyond, while rapidly cross-pollinating leading solutions and technologies around the world.

  48. Space Exploration and Stewardship: The New World supports responsible and cooperative space exploration, inspiring humanity to expand its horizons while preserving the pristine nature of celestial bodies. International collaboration and scientific advancements contribute to a deeper understanding of our universe and our place within it, as humanity explores the potentials of interplanetary existence.

  49. Citizen Led Media and Journalism: The New World fosters responsible Citizen Led media and journalism, upholding accuracy, transparency, and ethical reporting standards. A diverse and independent media landscape supports informed decision-making and constructive dialogue, while combating misinformation, manipulation and polarization.

  50. Disaster Preparedness and Resilience: The New World invests in disaster preparedness and resilience, ensuring that communities are equipped to adapt and respond to natural hazards and emergencies. Resilient infrastructure, early warning systems, and coordinated response efforts minimize the impacts of disasters and support long-term recovery.

  51. Preservation of Indigenous Knowledge: The New World recognizes and preserves indigenous knowledge from cultures and traditions around the world, honoring the wisdom, practices, and perspectives of indigenous peoples from all parts of the Earth. By integrating traditional ecological knowledge and fostering intercultural dialogue, society benefits from a richer understanding of our interconnectedness with the natural world.

  52. Parenting Education and Support: The New World invests in parenting education and support, providing resources and guidance for parents to foster the healthy development of their children in long term, committed, and stable environments. This nurturing foundation sets the stage for future generations to flourish, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and physically.

  53. Green Cities and Biophilic Design: The New World embraces green cities and biophilic design, integrating nature into the built environments to enhance well-being, air quality, biodiversity, and interconnectedness and right relationship among species. Green spaces, vertical gardens, and regenerative architecture create vibrant, healthy, and resilient urban ecosystems.

  54. Endangered Species Protection: The New World actively works to identify and protect endangered species, implementing conservation measures to safeguard habitats and prevent extinction. By preserving genetic diversity and maintaining ecosystem balance, we ensure the survival of these irreplaceable members of our planetary community.

  55. Creative Economy: The New World fosters the emergence of a vibrant and regenerative creative economy, valuing the contributions of artists, innovators, and entrepreneurs. This dynamic economic model drives growth, fosters cultural expression, and encourages problem-solving from diverse perspectives.

  56. Access to Clean Water and Sanitation: The New World ensures access to clean water and sanitation for all, recognizing these basic necessities as fundamental human to human life and dignity. Sustainable water management practices and innovative solutions ensure that current and future generations can thrive in a world with secure and properly stewarded water resources..

  57. Voluntary Simplicity: The New World encourages voluntary simplicity, inviting individuals to reduce unnecessary consumption and embrace lifestyles that prioritize well-being, relationships, and experiences over the accumulation of relatively worthless material possessions. This shift in values supports personal fulfillment, social cohesion, and environmental sustainability, while harmonizing human patterns within a regenerative economy. .

  58. Community Policing and Public Safety: The New World advocates for community policing and public safety, fostering partnerships between law enforcement and local communities to address crime and safety concerns collaboratively while gradually and responsibly demilitarizing and relocalizing peacekeepers. Trust, transparency, and shared responsibility contribute to thriving and resilient neighborhoods where men, women, and children are safe to roam, play, and build relationships.

  59. End of Planned Obsolescence: The New World puts an end to planned obsolescence, carefully and collaboratively designing products for durability, repairability, and longevity. This shift reduces waste, conserves resources, and supports a more regenerative, circular economy.

  60. Accessible and Inclusive Public Spaces: The New World prioritizes accessible and inclusive public spaces, ensuring that all individuals can enjoy the benefits of urban life. Thoughtful design, universal accessibility, and diverse programming create welcoming environments that promote social cohesion and well-being.

  61. Local Food Systems: The New World supports local food systems, promoting the cultivation, distribution, and consumption of healthy, nutrient rich, locally produced foods. This approach reduces the environmental impact of food production, strengthens local economies and ecologies, and fosters a greater connection to the land and the food we eat.

  62. Youth Empowerment: The New World values, connects and empowers young people, providing opportunities for education, leadership, and civic engagement. By nurturing the potential of future leaders and ensuring that every youth finds an active, meaningful, and productive niche in local and global community, we ensure a bright and sustainable future for all.

  63. Zero-Waste Society: The New World strives for a zero-waste society, reducing, reusing, and recycling resources to minimize waste and pollution, while using advanced waste to energy technologies to transform the minimal waste produced into fuel for the regenerative socioeconomy. This commitment to circular economy principles promotes environmental regenerativity and resource conservation.

  64. Citizen Science: The New World embraces citizen science, involving individuals and communities in the scientific process to address pressing challenges and expand knowledge. By democratizing access to scientific inquiry, we foster innovation, collaboration, and public engagement.

  65. Mindfulness and Meditation: The New World values mindfulness and meditation, promoting practices that cultivate self-awareness, inner peace, and emotional resilience. By encouraging personal growth and spiritual exploration, we foster a more compassionate and connected society.

  66. Humanitarian Aid and Development: The New World prioritizes humanitarian aid and development, working together to alleviate suffering and address the root causes of poverty, inequality, and injustice. By investing in the well-being of all people starting with the most vulnerable and least able to help themselves, we build a more compassionate, just, and regenerative world for all its inhabitants.

  67. Intergenerational Wisdom: The New World values intergenerational wisdom, drawing upon the knowledge and experience of older generations while also fostering the innovation and creativity of younger ones. By bridging generational gaps, we create a society that benefits from a rich tapestry of perspectives and insights.

  68. Universal Access to Information: The New World ensures universal access to truthful information, promoting decentralized and open-source knowledge sharing and widespread digital connectivity. By decentralizing and democratizing information, we empower individuals to make informed decisions and pursue opportunities for personal and societal growth.

  69. Meaningful Work: The New World cultivates meaningful work, creating opportunities for all individuals to contribute their unique skills and passions in ways that align with their values and the collective good. By fostering purpose-driven employment, we build a more engaged, motivated, and fulfilled workforce.

  70. Participatory Resource Allocation: The New World embraces decentralized and participatory budgeting and resource allocation, enabling citizens to have a direct say in how public funds are allocated. By democratizing financial decision-making, we promote transparency, accountability, and a more wise and just distribution of resources.

  71. Universal Basic Services: The New World provides a continuously improving set of universal basic services through decentralized Citizen Led joint ventures, guaranteeing access to essential resources such as food, housing, healthcare, and education for all citizens. By ensuring a baseline level of well-being, we foster greater justice and social cohesion, while liberating Citizens to focus on higher order contributions to society.

  72. Right to Privacy: The New World upholds the right to privacy, protecting individuals from unwarranted surveillance and intrusion. By preserving personal autonomy and freedom and protecting against corporate and governmental overreach and intrusion, we create a society that respects and values individual agency, sovereignty, and autonomy.

  73. Decentralized and Adaptive Self-Governance: The New World encourages decentralized and adaptive individual and local self-governance, allowing for flexible and responsive decision-making that takes into account the complex and interconnected nature of societal challenges. By fostering collaboration and innovation across self-governing localities, we create more effective, resilient, and anti-fragile shared institutions.

  74. Access to Nature: The New World ensures access to nature for all citizens, recognizing the importance of natural spaces and connection for mental, physical, spiritual and emotional well-being and grounding. By integrating green spaces into urban environments, protecting wilderness areas, and intentionally fostering the ability to Citizens to meaningfully connect with the Living System we are all a part of, we foster a deeper connection to the living world.

  75. Collaborative Economy: The New World embraces a collaborative economy, emphasizing sharing, cooperation, and resource pooling to create more just, regenerative, and powerful shared systems, services, and support. By reimagining traditional economic structures on the basis of collaboration and stewardship, we foster a culture of abundance and mutual support.

  76. Food Sovereignty: The New World supports food sovereignty, empowering local communities to have control over their food systems and promoting sustainable agricultural practices. By nurturing a diverse and resilient food culture, we ensure access to healthy, nourishing food for all.

  77. Just Resource Distribution: The New World ensures just distribution of resources, promoting systems and policies that guarantee all individuals and localities have access to the essentials they need to develop towards their potential and flourish. By addressing the root causes of poverty, inequality, exploitation, and oppression, we create a more just and prosperous society.

  78. Ocean, Lake, and River Restoration: In the New World, we actively restore our oceans, rivers, and lakes to their natural balance, removing plastics and pollutants while revitalizing aquatic ecosystems and protecting endangered species.

  79. Localized Manufacturing: Advanced manufacturing technologies like 3D printing enable a shift toward localized on-demand production, reducing reliance on global supply chains and stocks, and allowing communities to become more self-sufficient, resilient, and regenerative.

  80. Conflict Resolution: Our society fosters a deep understanding of conflict resolution and peaceful negotiation, with an emphasis on empathy, compassion, and active listening to build bridges and maintain harmonious relationships.

  81. Emotional Intelligence: Emphasizing emotional intelligence in education and personal development helps individuals to navigate their feelings, communicate effectively, and build strong connections with others.

  82. Regenerative Architecture: Regenerative design and building practices become the standard, utilizing energy-efficient designs, locally sourced materials, and the integration of nature into our living and working spaces.

  83. Multigenerational Living: The New World re-embraces multigenerational living, valuing the wisdom and experience of elders, encouraging strong familial bonds, and providing support for childcare and eldercare.

  84. Organic Agriculture: Farming practices shift in a wise and responsible way towards local, organic, regenerative agriculture, focusing on soil health, biodiversity, and natural pest management to provide nutrient-rich food while protecting the environment.

  85. Decentralized and Interoperable Energy: Clean, renewable energy sources are widely distributed, with individuals and communities producing their own power and connecting to adjacent grids, creating a resilient, decentralized, self-sufficient, and interoperable energy grid.

  86. Wildlife Preservation: Wildlife preservation becomes a priority, with extensive efforts to protect endangered species, restore natural habitats, and foster a deep connection between humanity and the Living System they are a part of.

  87. Volunteerism: Volunteerism and community service are an integral part of daily life, with individuals contributing their time and skills to help others and strengthen the bonds within their communities.

  88. Global Connectivity and Interoperability: Advanced communication technologies enable global connectivity and interoperability, allowing individuals and communities to collaborate, share ideas and resources, learn from one another, and help one another across geographical boundaries that divided us in the past.

  89. Celebration of Diversity: The New World celebrates diversity in all its forms, fostering a sense of global unity around our shared values, goals, and ideals, while embracing the rich cultural heritage and unique perspectives of individuals and communities.

  90. Community Gardens: The New World promotes the development of community gardens, which provide fresh, locally-grown produce, foster social connections, and contribute to the beautification of urban spaces.

  91. Nature Reconnection: Society places a strong emphasis on reconnecting, reconciling, and reunifying with nature, encouraging outdoor activities, promoting environmental stewardship, and cultivating a deep appreciation for the natural world we are a part of.

  92. Adaptive Reuse: The New World embraces adaptive reuse, transforming existing structures and spaces into new, functional, and sustainable purposes that serve the evolving needs of communities.

  93. Collaborative Governance: Governance models evolve to be more collaborative and participatory, involving citizens in decision-making processes at the local, regional, and global level, fostering a sense of agency and shared responsibility for the well-being of our communities and our world.

  94. Telecommuting: The New World supports telecommuting and flexible work arrangements, reducing the need for physical office spaces and commuting, which in turn lessens traffic congestion and environmental impact, while promoting the reintegration of family and community relationships.

  95. Renewable Energy Education: Education and training programs in renewable energy technologies are widespread, providing individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to implement and maintain sustainable energy systems that help them accelerate out of poverty and privation towards more meaningful and fulfilling community life.

  96. Accessible Art Spaces: The New World encourages the creation of accessible art spaces, where individuals can freely engage with and contribute to creative expression, fostering a vibrant and diverse cultural landscape.

  97. Interfaith Dialogue: Interfaith dialogue and understanding are encouraged, fostering appreciation for diverse religious and spiritual beliefs while promoting unity and tolerance around shared goals, values, and ideals.

  98. Co-housing Communities: Co-housing communities, where families and individuals share resources, responsibilities, and communal spaces, become more widespread, fostering strong social connections and a sense of belonging.

  99. Fair and Just Trade: The New World supports fair and just trade practices, ensuring that producers in developing countries receive fair compensation for their goods and labor, fostering economic growth and social development. Value chains are made visible to producers and consumers at every level of the chain, liberating both producers and consumers from deceptive and exploitative "middle men", and allowing for more direct, loving, just, and good exchange of value.

  100. Social Entrepreneurship: Social entrepreneurship flourishes, as innovative individuals and organizations create businesses and initiatives that prioritize social and environmental impact alongside economic success.

  101. Creative Commons: The New World supports the Creative Commons movement and similar structures, promoting the sharing of ideas, knowledge, and creative works for the benefit of all.

  102. Media Literacy: Media literacy education is widespread, empowering individuals to critically analyze and evaluate the information they consume and share, while progressively removing attention and resources from untruthful and divisive outlets.

  103. Permaculture: Permaculture principles are widely adopted in agriculture and land management, promoting regenerative practices that mimic natural ecosystems and support biodiversity.

  104. Time Banking and Alternative Currencies: Time banking and alternative currencies gain widespread adoption, promoting community engagement, reciprocity, and a more diverse and resilient economic system. These systems allow individuals to exchange services and skills based on time and locally generated currencies rather than money, fostering community connections and mutual support, and liberating individuals and localities from the imposed scarcity of external money or centralized fiat currencies.

  105. Nature-Based Solutions: Nature-based solutions are widely implemented to address challenges such as environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, and resource scarcity, using the power of natural ecosystems to provide regenerative and resilient outcomes.

  106. Altruism and Generosity: Altruism and generosity are highly valued and celebrated, fostering a culture where individuals actively and intentionally support each other and their communities.

  107. Worker Cooperatives and Equity Stewardship Systems: Worker cooperatives and Equity Stewardship Systems become nearly universal, promoting participatory governance, shared decision-making, and just distribution of wages and profits among workers and other stakeholders.

  108. Wisdom Traditions: Wisdom traditions from diverse cultures are rediscovered, celebrated and integrated into daily life, fostering personal growth, well-being, and a deeper understanding of the human experience.

  109. Universal Basic Assets: Universal basic assets programs are implemented in a decentralized and localized manner, providing citizens in communities around the world with access to essential resources and opportunities, reducing inequality, and fostering socioeconomic security.

  110. Regenerative Fashion: Regenerative fashion becomes the norm, with ethical and eco-friendly production practices, reduced waste, artistic expression, and a focus on quality and longevity over disposable, fast fashion trends.

  111. Inclusive Innovation: Inclusive innovation is prioritized, ensuring that the benefits of technological advancements are equitably distributed and accessible to all members of society.

  112. Reconciliation and Healing: Reconciliation and healing processes are actively pursued, addressing historical and ongoing injustices and fostering understanding, forgiveness, and unity among diverse groups.

  113. Urban Gardening: Urban gardening initiatives flourish, transforming unused spaces into thriving gardens that promote food security, community engagement, and environmental stewardship.

  114. Ecoliteracy: Ecoliteracy becomes an essential component of education, fostering a deep understanding of ecological systems and our interconnectedness with the natural world.

  115. Ethical Servant Leadership: Ethical servant leadership is highly valued, with leaders in all sectors held to high standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability, fostering trust and collaboration.

  116. Restorative Landscapes: Restorative landscape design becomes widespread, integrating ecological restoration principles into urban planning and development, creating spaces that support human well-being and ecological health.

  117. Foster Care and Adoption Transformation: Foster care and adoption systems are transformed to prioritize the well-being and long-term success of children in care, ensuring that they receive the support, resources, and stability they need to thrive, while providing good families the opportunity to nurture and love children.

  118. Regenerative and Just Investing: Regenerative and just investing gains universal acceptance, driving all capital towards businesses and initiatives that are regenerative in nature, while removing capital supports from extractive and exploitative industries.

  119. Art as Therapy: Art therapy becomes a widely recognized and accessible form of mental health support, using creative expression to foster healing, self-discovery, and emotional well-being.

  120. Intergenerational Learning: Intergenerational learning initiatives are encouraged, fostering connections and mutual understanding between generations and promoting the sharing of knowledge, skills, and experiences.

  121. Community Energy Projects: Community-owned and operated renewable energy projects proliferate, empowering local residents to take control of their energy production and distribution while supporting clean energy adoption.

  122. Conscious Parenting: Conscious parenting practices gain widespread adoption, with parents striving to raise self-aware, empathetic, and emotionally intelligent children who contribute positively to society.

  123. Universal Internet Access: Universal internet access is achieved, bridging the digital divide and ensuring that everyone can participate in and benefit from our interconnected knowledge, resources, and opportunities.

  124. Decentralized Decision-Making: Decentralized decision-making structures are embraced, empowering local communities to have greater control over their resources, policies, and development trajectories.

  125. Aging in Place: Aging in place initiatives are prioritized, creating supportive environments that enable older adults to maintain their independence, stay connected to their communities, and age with dignity.

  126. Integrative Medicine: Integrative medicine approaches gain widespread acceptance, combining conventional and alternative therapies to promote healing and wellness in a holistic and patient-centered manner.

  127. Reforestation and Afforestation: Reforestation and afforestation efforts are scaled up, increasing carbon sequestration, supporting biodiversity, and restoring degraded ecosystems.

  128. Open Access Knowledge: Open access knowledge initiatives gain momentum, promoting free and equitable access to information, research, and educational resources for all.

  129. Public Art: Public art initiatives are supported, fostering creativity, self-expression, and cultural exchange in shared spaces, enriching communities and inspiring civic pride.

  130. Water Conservation: Water conservation efforts are prioritized, developing and promoting technologies, policies, and practices that reduce water waste and protect freshwater resources.

  131. Spiritual Intelligence: Spiritual intelligence is increasingly valued, promoting a deeper understanding of one's inner life, beliefs, and values, fostering self-awareness, spiritual awareness, empathy, and a sense of purpose, meaning, and interconnectedness.

  132. Physical Intelligence: Physical intelligence is emphasized, encouraging individuals to develop a strong connection with their bodies, understand their unique needs, and maintain their overall health and well-being.

  133. Community Libraries: Formal and informal community libraries flourish, serving as hubs of knowledge, culture, and connection, offering diverse resources and programs that cater to the needs and interests of local residents.

  134. Blight Remediation: Blight remediation efforts are prioritized, transforming neglected and abandoned spaces into vibrant, green, and healthy environments that uplift communities and foster social cohesion.

  135. Mining and Resource Extraction: As the circular economy reduces the extraction of natural resources, ethical and regenerative practices are embraced in mining and resource extraction to minimize negative environmental and social impacts. Stewardship-based enterprises work in collaboration with local communities and the environment to ensure that humanity can meet its basic needs in a way that is sustainable and regenerative in nature. Fair labor standards, recycling, and resource conservation are prioritized, and innovative technologies are employed to reduce waste, minimize pollution, do more with less, and promote the responsible and regenerative use of Earth's finite resources.

  136. Gangs and Cartels: Effective measures are taken to dismantle gangs and cartels, replacing their influence with more positive and compelling alternatives for those involved. Socioeconomic conditions, education, and community support systems are improved to ensure young people are positively and proactively engaged in the betterment of their lives and communities. Rehabilitation, reconciliation and reintegration programs are provided to former members, giving them new opportunities and a chance to contribute positively to society. Governments and communities work together to address the root causes of crime, fostering a safe and nurturing environment for all.

  137. Anti-Corruption: Robust and transparent systems are established to combat corruption at all levels of society. Governments, organizations, and individuals are held accountable for their actions, fostering a culture of integrity and honesty. Whistleblower protection policies, public access to information, and ethical leadership become the norm. Strong legal frameworks and independent institutions, as well as ongoing education and awareness campaigns, reinforce the importance of ethical behavior and empower citizens to demand accountability from their leaders.

  138. Your Vision Begins: There are 100s of additional aspects of the Vision of the New World that will be illuminated, and we invite your help. The next two chapters provide insightful and thought provoking questions to help you explore and articulate your own New Vision of the New World, that aligns with or improves the New Vision and Plan.

What Does Not Belong in the New World?

Before we advance to your exploration of the New Vision and Plan, let's pause for a moment to consider in addition to what we do want the New World to look like, what we do not want the New World to look like.

This dual field creates a powerful field that empowers to to engage together in Filling Up What Is Lacking to bring the New Vision to Earth, while also Removing What Does Not Belong.

What is the anti-Vision of the New World? What kinds of things have no place in the New World we are co-creating? What are the Anti-Values of the New World?

  1. Tyranny, Authoritarian or Totalitarian Control
  2. Chaos / Anarchy
  3. Injustice
  4. Oppression
  5. Corruption
  6. Degenerative practices
  7. Deceit
  8. Killing
  9. Greed
  10. Enmity
  11. Envy
  12. Abuse
  13. Cruelty
  14. Division
  15. War
  16. Waste
  17. Theft
  18. Violence
  19. Hate
  20. Prejudice
  21. Exclusion
  22. Dependency
  23. Slavery
  24. Exploitation
  25. Human Trafficking
  26. Gender-based Violence
  27. Domestic Violence
  28. Sexual Violence or Abuse
  29. Environmental Degradation
  30. Pollution
  31. Extraction
  32. Bitterness
  33. Resentment
  34. Strife
  35. Rage
  36. Revenge
  37. Dishonesty
  38. Ignorance
  39. Idleness
  40. Indifference
  41. Infidelity
  42. Adultery
  43. Disrespect
  44. Pride
  45. Arrogance
  46. Censorship
  47. Addiction
  48. Dishonor
  49. Intentional Harm
  50. Negligence

We all can quickly catch the intuition.

So let's explore some questions, and then begin Filling Up What Is Lacking and Removing What Does Not Belong in the New World.

Forward to 16.8 Questions to Explore the New Vision and Plan
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