Reciprocal Monthly Contribution

Reciprocal Monthly Contribution refers to the voluntary and intentional contribution made by participants in the Lionsberg community to support and sustain the ongoing development and maintenance of the Lionsberg System, Community, and Commons. This contribution is designed to ensure that the Community and Commons can regenerate and sustain themselves from within, fostering a sense of shared responsibility and collective stewardship among members and participants.

In the context of the Lionsberg System, a Reciprocal Contribution is defined as a meaningful and reciprocal portion of each Participant's time, attention, and resources that reflects the Value they receive from their participation.

By offering a Reciprocal Monthly Contribution, participants demonstrate their commitment to the Lionsberg System and contribute to its growth and improvement. This commitment not only helps to maintain the momentum and progress of The Movement but also fosters a sense of unity and shared purpose among the Community members.

The concept of a Reciprocal Contribution is rooted in the idea that everyone has a stake in the value co-created within the Lionsberg System. By giving back a portion of that value, participants help to ensure the system's long-term success and viability, ultimately contributing to the broader goals and objectives of the community, and receiving back reciprocally the increasing value of shared resources, infrastructure, relationships, and support that are forged in community.

The idea of voluntary Reciprocal Contribution is illuminated by a Story called The Widow's Mite.