A great life is like a work of art. It is like a masterpiece.
A masterpiece is composed of many sub-masterpieces that comprise the Whole.
A great life is like Temple suitable for fully enlightening consciousness.
A Temple is composed of many building blocks coherently crafted together into the Whole.
So how do We make each day a masterpiece?
How do We make each day great?
How do We make our lives a temple in which the One can dwell and enlighten us?
How do We make our Selves into a conduit of the Spirit?
A great day is one in which We Exist in a Way that produces Progress towards our Aim, which if we are Aiming Properly is The Goal.
Like any System, our lives must be lived in such a Way that they produce Throughput of our Supreme Goal.
What makes a great day is its Throughput of The Goal.
Forward to 1.14 Prerequisites To A Great Day
Back to 1.12 The Practice Of Today
Back to table of contents The Power of Today