11.7 Rediscovering the Divine Feminine

Yes the One can be called Father. And yet It is also the fullness of Mother.

Over the last centuries society forgot the true nature of the One.

The spirit of the divine feminine is rising, and it must rise faster.

Women, the future of society lies in your hands. It is you that will have the first Courage to rip the doors off the Old structures that have devolved into cages.

It is you that will have the first Courage to stand up and shout "No More!"

It is you that will have the first impulse to heal and transform the suffering of the Living System that is screaming in pain after centuries of raping, pillaging, and abuse.


Women – Raise your hand and stomp your foot, and you will shake the world.

Women – arise and lift up your arms, and you will summon the New Dawn.

Women – arise and lift up your voices, and you will speak into being the New Life and the New Era that is longing to emerge.

Women – arise and liberate up your families, and you will become the families of the New World.

Women – arise and lift up your Selves. It is time for the Divine Feminine to assert her proper place and authority in the order of being.

Women – arise and lift up your veils, that the world may celebrate and be filled with your beauty and strength.

It is you will select and bring forth the New.

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