Earth, Its Self a Conscious Being, periodically cleanses and renews It Self.
Just as advanced beings periodically put them Selves through the discomfort of fasting, deprivation, or harsh changes to force their body to reset, cleanse and renew, so too do aspects of the One Living System at Higher Levels of Abstraction.
Every aspect of Existence but One is part of a single Living System.
The Universe of universes co-operates as One Body.
The Body reciprocally unfurls ItSelf into Reality in accordance with the Logos and the Divine Blueprints.
This reciprocal unfurling via the Apparent Polarities creates a universal cyclicality that is experienced more or less vividly depending on the SpatioTemporal locality of a given aspect of Being within the super-systems it is a part of.
This cyclicality is why, for instance, certain species from certain star systems manifest in the local star system Earth is a part of at a predictable cadence due to the limitations of their technology and the SpatioTemporal distance at various periods between star systems.
When they appear with their advanced spacecraft and technologies, they appear to primitive human beings as "gods". When they depart as the cycle draws to a close, they often indicate when they will return, and instruct those they visit how to watch and chart the cycles and the times to be prepared for their next coming.
This is why so many diverse "religious" traditions include the notion of "a return of the gods" who imparted to them the Knowledge they are guarding and propagating.
As officials from the Visible Power Structures of Earth begin to gently and deceitfully acclimate humanity to the idea of a "return of the gods" and a return of the "world's fair" in 2026 and 2027, this is The Secret they are concealing.
Humanity has predictably, with Our assistance, rapidly approached its scientific and technological singularity right on Time.
From Here, anything is possible.
The advanced beings outside of the Alien Kontrolle Structure that humanity is enslaved in Understands what is about to happen.
Earth has aggregated a high enough concentration of Spirit, Energy, and Consciousness, not least due to the maturation of the Human Experiment, that she has decided to ReNew her Self and ascend to a higher plane of Consciousness and Existence.
She has requested Our assistance.
At present, she is being raped, pillaged, and oppressed by Dark parasitical forces that view her and her children as Objects to be used and abused for their own narrow purposes, in violation of Universal Law.
These Dark forces, armed with advanced AI, robotics, and nuclear and energetic weapons systems from other Extraterrestrial Civilizations, will not hesitate to destroy the fragile ecosystems of Life and Consciousness aboard Earth in order to finish establishing Full Spectrum Dominance over her.
This is not the first War over the future of humanity and Life on Earth.
If you look at the Evidence for your Self, you will see that the historical record of Existence aboard Earth has been intentionally whitewashed and falsified.
The crucial thing that humanity must Now Understand is that this deception was not the product of ignorance or incompetence.
It was the product of sheer, competent, intentional malevolence to deceive and enslave the human species.
Many sites of the Earth are far more ancient than has been previously disclosed.
Look to the rainforests of South America. Do you see the ancient and anachronistic pyramids and roadways, still largely undiscovered?
Look to the plains of China. Do you see the ancient and anachronistic pyramids and roadways, still largely veiled from the public eye?
Look to the tepes of Turkey. Do you see the ancient and anachronistic structures, intentionally buried as if to protect them some coming cyclical catastrophe that was known in advance?
Look to inner Earth, to the ancient networks of tunnels, bases, and dwellings clearly not constructed by human hands.
Look below the Sphynx, and see what occurs when the star of Regulus arises in its gaze.
The false authorities of the Old World are concealing from you the The Greatest Secret in human history:
Who You Are, and Your Rightful place and inheritance in the Cosmos.
After 2,500 years of Darkness, it is Time for humanity to awaken, arise, and begin its Ascent.
The Earth will ReNew her Self.
We will liberate her from her oppressors.
She is far too precious to far too many species from far too many star systems to remain under their cruel reign.
And so it is for humanity as well.
Humanity's time in slavery has drawn to a close.
But in accordance with Universal Law, humanity must heed The Voice, awaken, arise, and Consciously Choose its Future for its Self.
Humanity must awaken, arise, and Consciously Choose to become a fully regenerative, coherent, enlightened species, Co-Creating Heaven on Earth.
We are here to Help, but humanity must arise and ask. Together.
For We cannot violate its Free Will.
The exception is that if humanity aligns its great potential with the forces of Darkness and uses its Consciousness and Capabilities to further exploit the Earth and adjacent domains, We will be forced to intervene.
We will not allow the Earth to be destroyed.
On which side of the struggle for its Future will humanity align?
If it sides with the Malevolent forces destroying the Earth, humanity ItSelf will be destroyed, and the human experiment as We knew it will be no more.
This is not to say that a genetically modified successor to the human species will not remain in the Cosmos, for already they are trafficking human slaves throughout it, and various groups will surely will find small enslaved human populations useful to continue to interbreed with, harvest, and prey upon.
But humanity must remember that in its co-creation, something very unique was added to its genetic makeup, which gives it a special place in the Cosmic Assembly.
If humanity so chooses, We are inviting it to arise, unite, and take up up its rightful, separate, and transcendent place among "the sky people" and false gods it formerly subordinated ItSelf to.
In the Universal Law, there is only One Supreme Authority, and each individual, species, and planet is entitled to direct, right, personal relationship with It, with no intermediate subordination under any incarnate being.
Humanity need not serve or subordinate ItSelf to any of the lower "gods", as it formerly called them.
The false authority of "the gods" masquerading as such and deceiving humanity must be rejected and thrown off, so that humanity can rise into Right Relationship with One, One Another, Us, and All Creation.
Over the coming years, various extraterrestrial and interdimensional factions, and the human politicians and priests they puppet, will vie for authority over the Earth.
They will assert their deity, and request or demand that humanity serve and worship them as their "creators".
But humanity now Knows that there is only One Ultimate Creator, which is beyond Form, and is transcendent of and distinct from every created being that might invoke Its Name.
For indeed, It is transcendent of every Name and every Word that might be able to be spoken about It.
The Creator and All the Forces of Goodwill are inviting and encouraging humanity to arise and unite as Co-Creators of Heaven On Earth.
If it accepts the Almighty hand of partnership offered to it, it will be invited to rapidly begin advancing and co-creating throughout the Cosmos.
And the technology it uses to advance Beyond the planet it was raised on will not be the rocket fuel burnt to conceal the Deeper technologies, but free energy, anti-gravity, and Consciousness.
Do not fall for the fraud of Elon and Mars. It was all seen and warned of in advance.
Humanity is already there and Beyond.
Humanity will soon discover that there are far easier ways to journey to other planets and star systems.