3.5 A Multitude Of Stories

If we can Envision one potential Future Story, we can Envision a multitude of stories.

We have the power to envision many different versions of our selves, many different avatars with slightly different balances of personality.

This multitude of avatars could each Enact a multitude of Plans or Ways of Being that would each turn out slightly, or dramatically, different because of different personality enacting it.

For instance a specific plan of action enacted by an avatar that was more assertive and aggressive might turn out different than the same plan of action enacted by an avatar that was more passive and meek.

In other words, there is a vast of ways we could Be, and a vast array of things we could Do, the combinations of which compose a nearly infinite array of Potential stories.

We have the power to Consciously Choose not only which potential pattern of action we will attempt to Enact, but which potential avatar, or version of our Self, we will Embody in order to enact it.

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