2.6 Regaining Consciousness

There is a very simple three step process / tool that takes less than one minute to regain consciousness if you ever find yourself lost in the fog of chaos or gripped by one of the Idols Of The Pantheon.

That tool is Counting Up To Consciousness.

Step One: Count Your Self Back To Consciousness

As soon as your True Self becomes aware that your Embodiment is gripped by emotion or a primordial drive, immediately be still, be silent, close your eyes half way, and count your Self back up to consciousness.

  1. Be Still - anything you do from that lower state will plunge you further into the web of lower order consequences and reactions you are co-creating.

  2. Be Silent - anything you say from that lower state will plunge your further into the web of lower order consequences and reactions you are co-creating.

  3. Close Your Eyes Half Way - this creates a little space and blurs the expressions and reactions around you, while allowing you to remain aware of any threats or harm.

  4. Count Your Self Back To Consciousness - Take a deep breath, and "One, Two, Three, Four, Five - I am fully present, conscious, and aware."

Step Two: 4, 7, 8 Breathing

4, 7, 8 Breathing has be shown to rapidly help realign and restore physiological and psychological balance.


  1. Breathe out deeply and forcefully through your mouth to clear out stagnant breath and energy
  2. Breathe in deeply for 4 counts through your nose
  3. Hold your breathe for 7 counts
  4. Breath out deeply for 8 counts through your mouth

Step Three: Release The Emotion

From there, if it is helpful you can release the emotion or drive that was gripping you.

To do this:

  1. Become aware of where in your physical Embodiment you physically feel the emotional tension.
  2. From the place of your Higher Order Consciousness, you can say to the lower order drive something like - "Thank you for arising. I do not need you right now."
  3. Consciously reassert the authority of your Spirit / True Self over your mind and body, and bring them back under your conscious agency.

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