Above The Chaos, A Clear Strategy and Plan For The New Year
By Jordan Nicholas Sukut, 2023.01.18 (updated 2023.01.18)
A post in Above The Chaos
Hello friends and allies,
Here is approximately where we are at.
WE ARE FULL STEAM AHEAD. We are doing this. We have a clear Vision. We have a clear Strategy. We have a clear System. We have a clear Plan. We need to know who is in, who is out, and who wants to engage, in what ways, on what levels of analysis.
We have reached a hypothesis on a three pronged approach for our next steps:
- Movement, Thought, and Story: The unstructurable, unownable, and therefore unstoppable "nameless global movement" rooted in impact stories, art, celebration, provocation, rabble rousing, and universal conceptual frameworks. Purpose: to provide a light framework and create the conditions for engaging, inspiring, and thinking together. Tentative memes: Untitled, the Meta Project, Universal Citizenship, Citizen Led Impact in Society.
- Sovereign Autonomous Citizens and Groups: Existing people, institutions, organizations, networks, tribes, nations, etc. The "heroes" already on the front lines of every battle to make our world a better place.
- New System / Vision / Structure / Strategy / Plan - Lionsberg - as the structured and organized place and system attempting to progressively embody universal citizenship, governance, trust, economy, and integrated delivery. Where we can actually organize the work, define and secure the boundaries, gather and allocate resources, and all have a stake in the value of our being and doing together. Purpose: to provide a structural framework that connects and empowers Citizen Led Impact.
The common meme linking and uniting layers 1, 2, and 3 will be (something like) Citizen Led Impact.
Level 1: Untitled universal movement
Everyone is a messy, emotional, ordinary human person. The loose, wild, emotional side. The conceptual frameworks on which to hang our stories.
Rabble rousing, meeting where they are at, encouraging them to think about stories, futures, states, the highly emotional and charged elements, dealing with human beings… everyone is a messy, ordinary person… and we and our Impact Stories are beautiful and valuable. Forge a way beyond the failed siloed approached towards something New.
Level 2: Sovereign Autonomous Citizens and Groups
Around the world, there are already heroes on the front lines of every battle to make our world a better place, who have invested lifetimes of work into their unique names, theories, cultures, values and programs.
Listen, serve, connect, celebrate, and empower.
Level 3: Lionsberg - Vision, Structure, Strategy, Systems, Plans, Action
Everyone is a universal citizen. Everyone has work to do. That requires boundaries, systems, structures, energy, and power. The rational bounded side, in which creativity and play can safely manifest as we all help one another develop towards the fullness of our potential.
Lionsberg is like a walled "City on a Hill" that operates on the new Operating System for humanity. A bounded place with resources, organization, citizenship, structure, in which life, society, and economy can flourish. It is a servant and enabler of all, whose job is to structurally connect and empower universal citizens who agree to abide by the Lionsberg Code.
- Something for everyone
- A point of entry for everyone
- A secure Citizen Led structure to connect to and be empowered by
- A rule of law and code of conduct to guide and protect
- A system for co-creating throughput of The Goal and its supporting goals and objectives
Potential Memes
- Universal Citizenship
- The idea of Universal Citizenship allows us to dial up almost any aspect of the human system, human life, and capture someone’s mind somewhere… film, telling stories, creative endeavors and pursuits, entrepreneurship, art, science… and along the way can capture the imagination of the 16 to 34%
- Citizen Led
- Rebooting society's operating system
- Designing and building (the New World)
- Co-creating (the New World)
- New Vision and Plan
- New Vision, System and Plan
Groundswell / Tipping Point Strategy
- 8 to 10 billion people on earth by 2030
- Adoption curve key points
- 3% enthusiastic early adopters pull the next 13%
- 16% - pulls the next 18%
- 34% - basically mass market, pulls the "middle" 33%
- 67% - Pulls the semi-reluctant next 18%
- 84% - Pulls the wavering 13%
- 97% - Must deal very proactively and intelligently with the most strongly opposed 3% so they do not corrupt / co-opt the wavering 13%.
- 3% - the last 3% of potentially viciously opposed actors clinging to the Old and attempting to sabotage the New
Barriers and Objections
- just another network
- just another version of the SDGs
- just another version of (whatever))
- I bet they will host another stupid conference
- you will never be able to deal with the governments
- the people involved are just a bunch of xyz
- etc.
The Observers, The Engaged, The Members, and The Citizens
- The role of Untitled is to create observers and engage them
- The trick is to map the point at which someone who has engaged with Untitled in a more passive way... transitions to active engagement with Lionsberg
- Then to map the point at which someone who has actively engaged with Lionsberg and proven their commitment to the universal principles and values formally becomes a member
- Then to map the point at which a member becomes a citizen
- The walled city of Lionsberg must have many gates, depending on whether people have come from North, South, East, or West
- And a process for a nearly seamless transition from first seeing the movement / fireworks / lights from afar... to consciously engaging.... to adopting and advocating the New citizenship and operating system.
The Bell That Rings With Every New Citizen
- The manifestation of truly being a universal citizen rather than simply playing with the notion is the point at which "the bell rings".
- What does a human being have to do to demonstrate that they are a universal citizen?
- How is it different for a billionaire CEO vs. an impoverished elderly widow (reference The Widow's Mite)
- What are the multitude of different touch points and transition points?
- How do these relate to 100 different archetypes, and the shades of each present within us all?
- What rituals or rites of passage might be appropriate?
- What kinds of celebrations that show each citizen they are of great worth and value?
Covenant Citizenship
- There is a deep concept called Covenant Relationship that speaks to long term, deeply committed relationship to one another and the principles and conditions of the relationship.
- This creates a deep sense of security and belonging, and the knowledge that no one is going to be tossed aside or discarded.
- This demands the creation of a system of restorative justice, as well as pathways to reconciliation and atonement if the relationship is broken.
- Universal citizenship, because it embraces all citizens of earth, must inherently be one of covenant relationship and "eternal" commitment to one another, the living system that sustains us, and its Source, within the boundaries, principles, rules, and values that allow all to flourish in harmony.
- As we deeply listen and discover the patterns in stories, we can abstract out archetypical personas.
- The stories, needs, and interactions of these archetypes (and their instances in reality), inform the prioritized strategic roadmap.
The Narrative Project Structure
The Integrated Delivery System
- The PM Narrative Structure informs the Lionsberg Integrated Delivery System, which creates the ability to co-create and measure throughput of the total nested hierarchy of goals and values across the decentralized and empowered system.
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