Behavioral Code

Through the course of human history, each tribe, people, and society has forged some kind of Code by which it has conducted itself.

The Code governing behavior in a society is extraordinarily complex, composed of numerous layers and levels of abstraction, but generally including:


  1. A written set of formally adopted articulated and adopted laws and norms
  2. A verbally explicit / articulated set of laws and norms (not formally written / adopted)


  1. Implicit laws and norms and that are somewhat consciously held, but not fully articulated
  2. Implicit laws and norms evidenced as held by embodied behavior, but not consciously held

Progressively Making the Implicit Explicit

There seems to be a process of embodied understanding at work whereby the implicit generally gets made more and more explicit across time.

This occurs in two directions.

First, starting in unconscious embodiment and progressively "ascending" up into Mind / Consciousness / Spirit as we figure out how to describe what we are acting out and why.

Second, starting in Spirit / Consciousness and "descending" down into embodied actions as we figure out how to act out what has been spiritually or intellectually discerned.

This relates to the fundamental Reciprocal Opening that is occurring between apparently opposing polar energies of Being and Doing.

Generally, these explicit and implicit Codes relate to Values.

For an example of a Behavioral Code, see Provisional Code.

For more on the Values that inform Behavioral Codes, see Values.

For more on how Values relate to Value, see Value.