LC 36. One Citizenship Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice For All

The Purpose of Lionsberg is to invite all Citizens into a new and Higher Order Covenant Relationship between One and All.

This Invitation to Covenant Relationship with the Creator, One Another, and All Creation inherently and by definition extends to every created being.

Liberty for All means that All Citizens are free to decide whether and how they Participate in the Lionsberg System.

Justice for All means that All who voluntarily accept the invitation are entitled to equal rights and responsibilities according to their Levels of Participation.

One Citizenship means that All Citizens have equal rights and responsibilities before One and All, and there are no "classes" of Citizenship.

Under God means that the Creator is the Supreme Authority, and the Central Organizing Relationship of All.

This means that All Citizens who voluntarily join the System have equal rights and responsibilities relative to the Value that is co-created through the Lionsberg System.